    设计总说明BIM 即“建筑信息模型”(Building Iformation Modeling),近年来伴随找我国计算机技术和互联网技术全面的覆盖和快速的发展,以BIM 翻模软件 Revit 为核心的多种3DCAD 软件日趋完善和成熟。本次毕业设计课题为西安市某高校新校区图书馆暖通空调工程 3D BIM 设计,图书馆共 6层,建筑内外部总面积为 32763m2,每层的层高4.5m。本次设计完成了图书馆 BIM 技术的三维可视化工作,基于Revit 软件完成了一层风管管道三维碰撞效果图。结合西安市自然环境条件和当地建筑结构的实际情况,在暖通空调方案设计的基础上,从 2D CAD 过渡到基于 BIM 技术的3D CAD 模型,将空调设计方案、管道的布置形象直观的显示出来, 在以前2D CAD管道合理布置的基础上, 通过BIM Revit软件,直观的反应空调水力管道、送风管道每个构件的内部形态、位置等[1]。合理的高校图书馆设计,不仅要求建筑外部体型美观,室内阅览、图书藏阅设施齐全,而且要求室内要具有较舒适的热、湿环境。大到学生比较集中的阅览自习室,小到 10人以下的讨论室,对室内环境的舒适度都有很高的要求。在国家“十二五”期间对节能减排政策的大力推进下,也相应提高了暖通空调系统的节能设计要求。 因此,暖通空调在高校图书馆建筑中具十分重要的地位。本次毕业设计的主要内容包括:空调空调冷热负荷计算、空调方案的确定及系统水力计算、管道的保温和防腐、中央空调机房的布置、3D BIM 技术翻模的三维可视化设计等项目。本图书馆由图书阅览区、办公会议室、中庭、附属用房和设备用房等四大部分组成,经负荷计算,夏季总冷负荷指标为 131.13W/㎡。根据空调房间的使用要求,建筑面积和负荷等特点。本图书馆室内设计有面积很大的集中阅览室、期刊室,学生讨论自习室等,还有中、小型平面呈长条形、房间进深较小的办公室。对于阅览区,由于房间热容量较小,室外空气温度的变化会较快地影响室内,使室内温度昼夜波动较明显。所以周边区空调负荷的变化幅度以及房间的朝向对内部负荷影响较大,一般冬季要供热,夏季需要供冷,空调方式采用集中式全空气系统。对于小办公室、会议室则不区分内、外区,空调系统采用风机盘管加新风系统或者变频变冷剂流量的 VRV 系统。对于附属用房和设备用房的空调选择,我们设计出两套空调系统方案:(1)VRV 多联机组(2)风机盘管加新风系统(FCU 系统)。此图书馆中庭为封闭式中庭,由于内部平均温度波动较小,所以暂不设空调系统。在暖通空调的设计中运用 BIM 技术,在设计中有一些特定的技术发挥了辅助作用,这些技术主要包括了把已有的模型参数化。通过使用这些技术,暖通空调的设计在性能上发生了很大的变化,该技术可以支持特定信息的转化。传统的暖通空调设计标注化在很大程度上都得不到有效保证,因此在设计中加入 BIM 设计可以通过准确的获取信息来更好的实现三维参数化[2]48121
    。Design General DescriptionBIM (Building Information Modeling), in recent years with the computer technology andcomprehensive coverage and rapid development of Internet technology, to Revit BIM modelsoftware as the core of a variety of 3D CAD software are maturing and mature. The graduationproject for a University in Xian 3D BIM HVAC engineering design of new campus library,libraries 6-story, building internal and external area of 32763m2, each layer of high 4.5M. Thisdesign complete the BIM visualization technology working in the library, based on the Revitsoftware completed a wind pipe three dimensional collision effect. Combined Xian City naturalenvironment conditions and local structures of reality, in HVAC project design based on the,from 2D CAD transition to based on BIM technology of 3D CAD model, will air conditioningdesign programme, and pipeline of layout image intuitive of displayed out, 2D CADpiping arrangement in the past on the basis of, through BIM Revit software, intuitive of reactionair conditioning hydraulic pipeline, and sent wind pipeline each component of internal form,and location,. Reasonable design of University Library[1], building not only external bodyappearance, Interior view, books read fully equipped, and indoor with a comfortable heat andhumid environment. Go to the students more focused study rooms, down to 10 men followingdiscussion rooms, the comfort of indoor environment places very high demands. "Twelve-Five"on energy conservation and emission reduction policies during the strong advance of, alsoincrease HVAC system energy saving design. Therefore, the HVAC system has a veryimportant role in the University Library building.The graduation design of the main contents include: air conditioning cold and heat loadcalculation, air conditioning scheme of system hydraulic calculations, pipe insulation andcorrosion protection, central air condition room layout visualization, 3D BIM technology formwork design and other projects. The library from the reading area, Office room, Atrium,ancillary rooms and equipment rooms consists of four parts, load calculation, summer coolingload index is 131.13W/square meters.According to the requirement of air conditioning in the rooms, floor space and loadcharacteristics. The interior design of the library there is a very large area of Central readingroom, a periodicals room, discussing students ' study room and so on, also medium and smallflat Strip, the rooms into smaller offices. For the reading area, due to the smaller heat capacityof the room, outdoor and indoor air temperature changes more quickly, diurnal fluctuation ofthe indoor temperature is more obvious. Surrounding area air conditioning load changestowards a greater impact on the internal load and room, winter heating, summer needs cooling,air conditioning system using central air system. For small offices, conference room does notdifferentiate between inside and outside the district, air conditioning system with fan-coil plusfresh air systems and frequency conversion VRV system variable refrigerant flow. Subsidiaryand of air conditioning equipment selection, we designed two sets of air conditioning system: (1)VRV multiple units (2) fan-coil plus fresh air systems (FCU). This library atrium for a closedAtrium due to smaller average temperature fluctuations inside, so no air conditioning systems. Use of BIM technology in HVAC design, in some specific technology plays a supporting rolein the design, these technologies include the parameters of existing models. By using thesetechnologies, HVAC designs have undergone great changes in performance, this technologycan support the conversion of specific information. Traditional HVAC design mark is to a largeextent are not effectively guarantee, so join the BIM design in the design can be achievedthrough access to accurate information in order to better para mete rized[2].
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  2. 下一篇:南京地铁2号线车站基坑围护结构设计+CAD图纸+答辩PPT
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