

    针对该工程,按 “安全可靠、经济合理、技术可行、施工方便”基坑支护原则进行毕业设计。首先对基坑支护方式作了大致介绍,根据对比分析,选用钻孔灌注桩作为基坑的挡土结构物;选钢筋混凝土内支撑作为支撑结构体系。然后对排桩+内支撑支护方式进行了详细的手算。采用深层水泥搅拌桩作为基坑四周的止水帷幕。基坑内降水设计采用喷射井点降水+集水坑排水。并列出了基坑支护施工组织设计要求和监测方案。并绘制了基坑支护平面布置图、支护结构剖面图、配筋图及节点大样详图等。同时,采用理正软件进行了基坑支护电算。


    Abstract The graduation design is an important part of undergraduate study. It can cultivate our ability to solve problems ,for later a good professional basis for entering the wokeplace.The project of merchants bank building deep excavation design is located in Suzhou industrial Park,east of Wansheng Street,north of Wangdun Street and southbound of Central River.The building consists of the main building and the podium ,underground garage .The foundation pit area is about 8000m2and the perimeter is 400m.The main building area excavation depth is 9.65m and the podium area is 5.65m.

    This project is designed according to the Excavation Foundation Design Principals of approaching safe reliability, the economical-reasonable and convenient construction and guaranteeing project time limit.The design first introduces the ways of foundation pit shoring and decide to use bored piles as retaining structure and inclined steel pipe bracing concrete bracing as bracing structures afer comparing.Then I made a detailed hand calculation for pilling +inner brace support .This design adopted deep churning piles as detaining water pile construct around the foundation pit .With the purpose of dewatering, we use sump and well point .Besides , I have listed the foundation pit construction design requirements and monitoring programs and drawed excavation floorplan,supporting strutrue sections,reinforcement detailing drawings and other large sample nodes. Meantime ,I also have used the soft of Lizheng to carry out the excavation Computing. 

      Key Words:deep foundation pit;bored piles;the reinforced concrete inner brace;deep cement mixing piles.

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1选题的目的 1

    1.2本课题的理论与实际意义 1

    1.3基坑工程的学术背景 1

    1.4国内外研究现状 2

    1.5存在的问题 2

    1.6本课题主要研究内容 2

    1.7研究方法、步骤 3

    1.7.1研究方法 3

    1.7.2具体步骤 3

    第二章 基坑基本概况 5

    2.1工程简介 5

    2.2地层分布规律及工程性质 5

    2.3场地水文地质条件 8


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