



    毕业论文关键词:一级公路   线形设计   路基路面  施工组织

     Abstract This graduation design is plain hill area clevel 1 bid highway design. Its purpose is through the investigation and analysis, complete design, familiar with design steps and details, accumulate experience and macro concepts necessary for later work.

    Design (thesis) is mainly pided into three large pieces of content. Design the first part is on the road route design, route design is the student mastery of subject knowledge and analysis of actual terrain, terrain, hydrology transportation and scheme selection ability, based on the terrain data provided and designed considering preliminary scheme selection in route choice. Main content of plane linear design, profile design, cross-sectional design. Design process involves the calculation of plane curve elements, selection and optimization of transition curve, as well as the composition and structure of vertical curve calculation and cross-sectional design and calculation conditions.

    The second part mainly is the subgrade pavement structure and drainage design. The design requirements for flexible asphalt pavement structure design, cushion layer subgrade determined depending on the specific design data. Main design content including subgrade pavement, subgrade deflection and stress check structure and roadbed frost design, surface drainage, subgrade drainage, surface drainage and tectonic Settings.

    The third part is the construction organization design, the main content including document preparation, technical solution design, construction management, quantity allocation table and drawing construction drawing.

    Key words: primary highway  Geometric design  pavement construction organization design


    第一章  设计总说明 1

    1.1设计内容概述 1

    1.1.1路线设计 1

    1.1.2路基路面设计 1

    1.1.3施工组织设计 1

    1.2设计基本要求 1

    1.3路线概况 1

    1.4设计资料 2

      第二章  公路路线设计 3

    2.1 公路几何指标的计算、确定与复核 3

    2.1.1. 拟定交通量 3

    2.1.2.主要技术指标的论证和确定 4

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