
    (10). 本工程火灾自动报警系统保护等级为一级,地下一层布置227个感烟探测器,地上一层和二层均布置4个LA100火焰探测器。
    A cultural and sports center fire design
    Abstract (a brief illustration of the design): The project is for a cultural and sports exhibition center building fire. The project is located in Jinzhou city, Liaoning Province, located in Lingnan Area's most prominent position, north of 80,000 square meters office building with the city's municipal plaza across the north and south, east Fuzhou Street, south of Keji Road, west of the building Jinzhou International Hotel. See general layout drawings. Lot rectangular, about 150 meters north-south, east to west about 178 m, flat, planning area of about 25,934 square meters, building height 50.24m.
    The cultural and sports exhibition center architecture and use function has certain peculiarities in the presence of a wide range of fire safety fire hazard. If this type of building construction area and large scale; This means that in a separate hall might frequently than accommodating more than 10,000 visitors, the higher storey exhibition hall, the special structure and the current convention center is the multi-purpose The exhibition center, expanding space, two large exhibition interval period generally uncertain, usually scarce personnel in exhibitions when people flow, personnel density. Exhibition construction had to meet the needs of different uses of the building, to ensure the flexibility of interior decoration, so building combustible uncertainty.
    The Exhibition Center for Culture and Sports in the National Building fire design fire design specifications and relevant industry standards as the basis, combined with high-rise building fire characteristics and layout of the building to carry out the relevant design work. The design is based on the ability to improve their fire safety, reduce fire hazards, designed to meet the building fire safety purposes, conscientiously implement the "applicable, economic, security," that is safe for advanced technology, principles of economic rationality. Specific design elements include: building fire rating to determine the total building layout, building layout, interior decoration, safe evacuation, indoor and outdoor fire water supply system, automatic sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers configuration, smoke control systems and automatic fire alarm system Design.
    Specific design options are as follows:
    (1). The fire resistance rating of a building project belongs to a class of high-rise buildings.
    (2). The engineering and surrounding buildings maintain a proper fire spacing, to meet regulatory requirements. Ring around the building set fire road, in the office building has a fire climbing the north face.
    (3). The project total 29 fire district and 7 smoke partitions.
    The project has two ground floor exits, exit width of each security 1.41m; ground floor section has a total of 20 safety exits, exit width of each security 1.48m; ground three parts has a total of 20 a safe exit, exit width of each security 1.41 m; evacuation width, safe evacuation distance, required evacuation time meet regulatory requirements.
    (4). The portion of the station house and office works all parts of decoration materials combustion performance levels are in line with "interior decoration of buildings for fire protection design" requirements.
    (5). The fire water supply project for the municipal water supply network water and fire water. Outdoor fire hydrant system uses a ring design, outdoor fire hydrant in the pipe line layout. In the building west and south sides, each with a 5m away from the building facade on the ground type low pressure hydrant, outdoor fire water consumption is 35 L / s.
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