    [摘要]:江河、湖泊、水库和海域中水的流态与修建在江、河、湖、海中的取水构筑物有着互相作用、互相影响的关系。如河道的径流变化、河床演变、冰冻影响与河水水质、河床地质与地形等因素,对于取水构筑物的正常工作条件及其安全可靠性有着决定性的影响z 而取水构筑物的设置也经常引起河流自然状态的改变,反过来又影响取水构筑物本身及航运、水上浮镜等有关的经济活动。因此,全面考虑从河流中取水的条件,对于给水水源选择、构筑物形式、施工和安全运行,具有重要的意义。
    [关键词]:取水工程  设计流量  高程  泵站  自流管  
    [Summary]: Fluid reservoir and sea water of rivers, lakes, and construction of water in rivers, lakes, sea structures have a relationship of mutual effect, mutual influence. Such as the variation of runoff, river bed evolution, effects of freezing and river water, river bed geological and topographical factors, have a decisive impact Z and water intake structures in the often caused river natural state changes for the normal working conditions of water intake structure and its security and reliability, which in turn affect the structure of economic activity itself and shipping, water floating mirror on. Therefore, comprehensive consideration of water from the river to water conditions, selection, structureform, construction and operation safety, is of great significance.
    According to the analysis of the basic case, water regime, riverbed evolution of the river,after technical and economic comparison of many alternatives, Chose water solution with the reliable safety and convenient operation management. This design adopt the intakewithout dam and chose the water intake structure which is fixed on the bed. And it brief the design of intake, gravity line and water intake pumping station.
    [Keywords]: water intake project design flow  elevation  pump station  gravity line
    1 绪论    4
    2工程概述    8
    2.1 设计概况    8
    2.2 设计资料    8
    2.3 影响地表水取水的主要因素    8
    2.3.1取水河段径流特征    8
    2.3.2泥砂运动和河床演变    9
    2.3.3河床和岸坡的岩性、稳定性    10
    2.3.4河流的冰冻情况    11
    2.3.5水工构筑物及天然障碍物    12
    3 本设计考虑因素    13
    3.1水文因素    13
    3.2河床岸情    13
    3.3 施工技术条件    14
    4 取水水源选择    15
    5 取水构筑物位置选择    16
    5.1取水构筑物设计应满足如下原则    16
    5.2 取水构筑物位置选择的基本依据    17
    5.3 选择取水构筑物位置的条件    17
    6 取水方案设计    20
    6.1 取水类型的确定    20
    6.2 取水构筑物类型    20
    6.3 取水水头的确定    21
    6.3.1取水头部的形式选择    22
    6.3.2取水头部进水孔面积计算    22
    6.4 进水管渠的确定    23
    6.4.1进水管形式    23
    6.4.2 自流管    24
    6.4.3 自流管设计计算    24
    6.5进水间    25
  1. 上一篇:住宅楼给排水及消防水系统设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:大厦空调系统设计+CAD图纸+回风管水力计算
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