
    本设计内容包括:空调冷热负荷计算;空调系统的确定及论证;送风状态参数及送风量的确定;空气处理设备的选型;冷热源的选择及设备选型;气流组织计算;水力计算;其他设备的选择;保温、减振和消声等内容。对于应用于办公建筑的空调系统设计要结合办公楼的特点,使之符合风速、温度、湿度、及人的舒适性,有利于办公人员能更好高效的工作。而对于本次设计,使用在工业生产当中的工艺性空调而言,不仅仅要充分考虑合理的气流组织、 温湿度及压力控制及节能措施,使设计更合理。更重要的是合理的冷热源选择及其设计使之符合工艺使用参数要求。
    Design General Information
    The design for the HVAC design on the RAAS refrigeration room. Construction sites in Shanghai at latitude 31 °16 longitude 121°29 ,4.0 meters above sea level. Shanghai is located in the lower reaches of China's Yangtze River, north subtropical monsoon climate, four distinct seasons, summer and cold winter, spring is short, concentrated rainfall, outdoor dry bulb temperature is 25 ℃, relative humidity is 0.69. Southwest winds prevailing wind direction in summer, winter northeasterly. The design combines the characteristics of industrial refrigeration and air conditioning, according to the Shanghai region's energy structure and energy situation and the current level of economic development, to meet the requirements, improve work efficiency of the premise, give full consideration to the entire central air conditioning system energy conservation.
    System is designed for students integrated use of the built environment, air-conditioning engineering and other related courses cartographic knowledge and skills related to the ability to; make students more solid grasp of the basic methods of professional fields of scientific research, theory and practice, students analyze and solve practical problems in the professional engineering ability to work independently; develop students engaged in scientific and technological research methods; training in scientific research due seriousness, strict requirements, rigorous argument, pragmatic style of work; while working as a student once before complete comprehensive training. For four years of college and you can learn the expertise to conduct a fully integrated, it can be said is important.
    For the entire design, the first under cooling and heating load, combined with the building characteristics, initially to determine a reasonable form of air conditioning cold and heat sources, heating and cooling systems and a variety of technical and economic comparison program to determine the program should take into account energy saving, environmental protection and economic and other factors, and these factors make reasonable analysis. Secondly, according to the form of heating and cooling systems for engine room equipment layout, piping and associated hydraulic calculation. Then, for comparative analysis of selected energy-saving program for the design of smoke comes to construction-related issues, the necessary exposition. Finally, draw the design drawings, drawings content should be able to better express design intent, drawings, construction plans should be close to the level of depth.
    The construction of three, designed primarily for the production and use requirements for air conditioning design, suitable for the production of heat and moisture requirements. The building was designed according to the structural characteristics of the various parts of its use, taking full account of temperature and humidity process requirements, operation and management of convenience and energy efficiency on the basis of various aspects. Cold water cooling systems parallel units and chillers cool air in the form of parallel unit comes with water-cooled condenser unit located in the station room, cooling tower located in the roof. The cold storage refrigeration system design and database design only the body. As provided by the large amount of cold, so most of the centrifugal chiller.
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