摘 要现今物流已经是社会经济活动的一个重要环节,从国家发布的种种数据来看,物流值得社会各方面的关注。物流在降低企业运行成本方面的巨大潜能吸引着各房企也甚至是政府的多方考察,物流对企业运营收益来自于物流效率的不断提高。我国的物流发展水平现在还算是缓慢落后的状态,探讨如何提高物流发展效率已经刻不容缓,的确目前已有较多的论文研究指向如何提升物流发展效率。物流效率的提高到底受到哪些因素的影响,本文针对基础设施、物流管理和外部环境因素这三个维度进行了分析。本文对物流发展效率影响因素的研究理论回顾,全方位多维度了解物流发展效率影响因素目前的研究现状,并且梳理概念,客观分析物流发展效率影响因素的内涵以及这些因素的类别和作用;对我国影响物流发展效率的因素评价体系的现状与政策环境进行研究,采用PEST分析法,从政治环境、经济环境、社会调控、技术支持四个方面分析物流发展效率影响因素体系构建的当前状态,明确影响物流发展效率的因素评价体系的发展态势;接下来是研究讨论基于层次分析法的影响物流发展效率的因素评价指标体系,总结了前人关于影响物流发展效率的因素评价的相关指标,通过归纳法将指标进行分类,通过数据数据统计分析,构建本文的给予层次分析法影响物流发展效率的因素评价指标体系;最后则是对分析结果的探讨,体系的构建完成对当前的物流行业有什么警示作用,以及对物流发展效率提高的展望。89518


ABSTRACT Nowadays the logistics is an important part of social economic activity, from the point of the country's various data, logistics deserves attention from all sectors of society。 Tremendous potential of logistics in enterprise running cost reduction attracts each enterprise, also even the government's investigation, the logistics of enterprises operating income from the logistics efficiency enhances unceasingly。 Efficiency of the current domestic enterprise logistics development is still in a relatively low level, how to improve the efficiency of logistics? Will be under the condition of carefully understand the background, this paper analyses the main factors affecting the efficiency of logistics development。 Efficiency in economics is defined as the ratio of output and input resources, improving the efficiency of logistics performance under the condition of certain number of resources to get more rapid development, from infrastructure, logistics management, logistics technology, logistics main body, the macroeconomic regulation and control factors of five dimensions, this paper analyzes the factors which influence on the development efficiency more effective and more comprehensive。 In this paper, the theoretical review on the research of influence factors of logistics development efficiency, comprehensive multi-dimensional understanding logistics development efficiency influencing factors of the present research status, and combing the concept, objective analysis of main factors affecting the efficiency of logistics development connotation and the category and function of these factors; The factors that influence efficiency of logistics development in our country the present situation of the evaluation system of research and policy environment, using PEST analysis method, from the political environment, economic environment, social regulation, technical support four aspects: factors influencing efficiency of logistics development the current state of the system construction, clear the factors affecting the efficiency of the logistics development evaluation system of development trend; Next is discussed based on the analytic hierarchy process (ahp) factors affecting the efficiency of the logistics development evaluation index system, summarizes the predecessors about the related factors affecting the efficiency of the logistics development evaluation indicators, indicators are classified by induction, through the data statistics analysis, construct this paper gives the analytic hierarchy process (ahp) factors affecting the efficiency of the logistics development evaluation index system; Finally is the result of the analysis, system construction to complete the current logistics industry have what warning role, and improve the efficiency of logistics development in the future。 

















