    毕业论文关键字: 安全监管;安全隐患排查治理信息化系统;工业区;自查自报
    The application of potential hazard elimination system on safety supervision in industry zone
    Abstract: With the development of safety production, we can fingd and eliminate potential hazard, and prevent different kinds of safety production accidents from happening as well through paying attention on the safety supervision.Good supervision guarantees the safety of citizen’s life and property, and it also helps the health development of nation’s economics. Meanwhile, the quality of safety supervision influence in direct whether the economics can develop continuously, rapidly and healthfully, even the establishment of harmonious society.
    In recent years, potential hazard elimination system is being established in many regions in our nation. It aims at reducing the human factors in supervision in fairness and specification. While the informatization of safety supervision is supposed to decrease the pre-registeration work by government supervisors, strengthen the frequency and quality of safety check and improve the supervision efficiency.
    As the example of some industry zone in this article, through the application of potential hazard elimination system on safety supervision in this industry zone, I study and analyse the actual situation and improvement strategy of safety production supervision and potential hazard elimination system. In order to strengthening situation of safety production in this industry zone, what matters most is to reduce and protect the safety production accidents from happening, improve the safety consciousness and the ablity in self-check and self-report of companies, and recover the bugs in government supervision as well. For making an economic safety production environment.
    KeyWords: safety supervision;potential hazard elimination system;industy zone;self-check and self-report

    1.绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景及意义    1
    1.2国内外安全管理发展与现状    2
    1.2.1国内研究现状分析    2
    1.2.2 国外研究现状分析    3
    1.3研究思路和方法    3
    1.3.1研究思路    3
    1.3.2研究方法    4
    2. 工业区安全生产监管的现状    5
    2.1工业区概况    5
    2.2工业区安全生产监管功能    5
    2.2.1工业区的分级监管制度    5
    2.2.2工业区的安全监管部门主要职责    6
    2.2.3现行的安全监管手段    7
    2.3工业区近年来安全生产事故情况    7
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