    关键词  GammaCalib  无源效率刻度  稀土  废渣  高纯锗γ谱仪  放射性核素分析
    Low-level Radioactive Waste Radionuclides Analysis of Rare-Earth
    The basic content of this research is based on rare earths waste of radionuclides within the qualitative and quantitative analysis. First, briefly describes the basic operation of the ORTEC HPGe γ spectrometer system, and made the principles and methods of sourceless efficiency calibration for a simple introduction. Our expert independent design and development of sourceless efficiency calibration software GammaCalib come out soon, in terms of accuracy study also rarely published. . Therefore, t Therefore, this experiment first by containing Ra, Th, K mixed standard source to explore the accuracy and usefulness of the software GammaCalib. The results show that the efficiency of scale values and GammaCalib software for different nuclides multiple peaks characteristic energy simulation reference value relative deviation results within the range of ± 16%, belongs to an acceptable level in laboratory .The results verify the reliability of the  sourceless efficiency calibration method . Finally, the sourceless efficiency calibration method for radionuclides of the acid slag and slag were analyzed showed that the specific activity of the two waste far less than 4× 106Bq/kg, low-level radioactive waste belongs.
    Keywords  GammaCalib  Sourceless Efficiency Calibration  Rare-Earth  Residue  HPGe γ Spectrometer  Analysis Radionuclides
     目  录
    1 引言    1
    1.1本课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2 主要研究内容和方案设计    2
    1.2.1 研究内容    2
    本课题主要的研究内容主要有:    2
    1.2.2 方案设计    2
    1.3 仪器设备和材料    3
    1.3.1 仪器设备及材料    3
    1.3.2 样品采集与制备    4
    2 γ能谱测量与分析方法    6
    2.1高纯锗γ谱仪系统分析原理    6
    2.1.2 ORTEC高纯锗γ谱仪    8
    2.1.3 Canberra高纯锗γ谱仪    9
    2.1.3γ谱的形成原理及构成    10
    2.2 GammaVision数据分析处理简述[6]    11
    2.3 无源效率刻度简介    15
    2.2.4 GammaCalib简介    16
    2.2.5 GammaCalib分析方法    17
    3 GammaCalib精确性验证    17
    3.3 混合标准源活度测量方法比较    18
    3.4 结果分析与讨论    21
    4 稀土废渣中核素分析    22
    4.1 数据分析与处理    22
    5 结论    29
    致 谢    30
    参考文献    31
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