    设计说明:随着国际石油价格大幅走高及石油产品大量消费导致生态环境的不断恶化,各国纷纷制定相应发展计划, 生物能源对于经济和社会可持续发展的战略意义日益增大。对于消费量大的有机原料乙基叔丁基醚(ETBE)来说,由C4与乙醇经裂解合成,直接或间接生产乙基叔丁基醚(ETBE),是很有诱惑力的路线。ETBE不但能提高汽油辛烷值,而且还可以作为共溶剂使用。具有较好的经济性与安全性,ETBE的沸点较高,与烃类相混不生成共沸化合物。这样既可以减少发动机内的气阻,又可降低蒸发损失。因此它具有很大的市场潜力。ETBE的合成工艺在国外已经工业化,但在国内还处于小试阶段,对于现在需求量比较大的中国来说,光靠进口已经很难实现了,中国又是一个能源大国,为了充分利用我国资源。现在积极开发ETBE的生产技术已经是势在必行的了,随着对车用燃料环保要求的提高,ETBE 的需求量将必然增加。因此, 开发ETBE 的生产技术可以有效的改善我国的能源短缺、过分依赖进口的现状,进而充分利用我国资源,这对于长期发展有重要意义。4615
    An annual output of 100,000 tons of carbon four Ethanol ETBE process design
    General description of the design
    Along with the international oil prices sharply higher and oil products consumption led to the deterioration of the ecological environment, many countries have formulated the corresponding development plan, the strategic significance of biomass energy for sustainable economic and social development and increasing. For the consumption of large organic raw material ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE), were synthesized by C4 and alcohol by pyrolysis, direct or indirect production of ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE), it is tempting to route. ETBE can not only improve the octane number of gasoline, but also can be used as cosolvent. With the economy and better security, high boiling point of ETBE, and the hydrocarbon phase does not generate azeotropic compounds. This can reduce the air resistance within the engine, but also can reduce the evaporation loss. So it has great market potential. The synthesis technology of ETBE has been industrialized in foreign countries, but is still in the experimental stage in the domestic, for now the demand for larger China, rely on imports have been very difficult to realize, China is a big country, in order to make full use of our resources. Now the positive development of ETBE production technology has already been to be imperative, as the vehicle fuel to improve environmental protection requirements, demand for the ETBE will inevitably increase. Therefore, the development of ETBE technology to the status quo of China's energy shortage, excessive dependence on imports is improved effectively, and make full use of our resources, it has important significance for long-term development.
    This design is a subsystem of a Dushanzi Petrochemical Corp in Xinjiang, relying on the factory produced 200000 tons of mixed C4 reacted with anhydrous ethanol production target of 100000 tons of products ETBE, catalyst for QRE-01 type Macroporous Sulfonic Acid resin. The real reaction is mixed in C4 isobutene (53%) and ethanol (47%). In the chemical production process, from qualitative stage to the quantitative stage, through the entire production system, production workshop, production unit and important for material balance calculation, the main by-product production, raw material consumption, "three wastes" emissions and composition, economic and technical indicators and product the yield of the preliminary design review, which quantitatively the selected process route, production methods and processes in the economy is reasonable, technology is advanced or not.
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