摘 要给水管网工程在国家发展的基础产业中占有重要地位,是国民经济的命脉。城市给水管网作为城市供水系统的重要组成部分,对城市文明、经济发展和现代化建设都起到了关键的作用,作为城市重要基础设施的给排水系统其质量与可靠程度将直接影响人们的生活质量,对整个社会的发展和经济水平的提高也有着不可忽视的影响。90018
Abstract Water supply network is an important part of the national economy and plays an important role in the development of the national economy。 As an important part of urban water supply system, urban water supply network plays a key role in urban civilization, economic development and modernization。 as an important infrastructure of urban water supply and drainage system, its quality and reliability will directly affect people's quality of life。
In this design, based on the reconnaissance and survey of great river industrial agglomeration area, comprehensive consideration of drainage system and pipeline layout, relevant road construction, relevant road elevation and layout, adjacent road pavement, other bridge structure form, span layout, the reasonable layout and construction of municipal public pipeline including rainwater, sewage and water supply pipeline。
Keyword: Water supply and drainage; pipe network; design calculation
目 录
1工程概述 4
1。1区域概况和发展背景 4
1。2工程概况 5
1。3设计依据 6
1。4技术规范及标准 6
2管材选择 8
2。1各种管材比较 8
2。2管材选用 9
3管线综合及排水工程 10
3。1管线综合工程 10
3。1。1概述 10
3。1。2 设计原则 10
3。1。3 管位综合源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 布置图 11
3。2污水工程 12
3。2。1设计范围 12
3。2。2设计原则 12
3。2。3排水体制 12
3。2。4汇水范围 12
3。2。5工程设计 12
3。2。6运行维护管理 16
3。3雨水工程 16
3。2。1概述 16
3。2。2设计依据 16
3。2。3设计原则 16
3。2。4采用主要标准及参数 17
3。2。5雨水现状 18