    设计总说明:本设计认真贯彻执行国家相关环境保护工作的政策、方针,使工程方案符合符合国家的有关法律、标准及规范。本设计针对污水处理工程日处理量为200000m3/d, CODcr 为 370mg/L, BOD5为 200mg/L, NH3-N 为 50mg/L, TN 为 60mg/L,SS为 350mg/L 的生活污水,进行污水处理工艺的设计。根据《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB1.8918-2002)中的排放要求,结合所需处理废水的类型特点,依据方案的可行性及经济性进行方案对比,从而选择一整套切实合理的方案,以达到消除污染,保护环境的目的。经过对各生物处理法的优缺点比较,结合污水水质特点,确定采用卡鲁塞尔氧化沟污水处理工艺。 卡鲁塞尔氧化沟工艺在国内外被广泛采用, 相较一般污水处理工艺,卡鲁塞尔氧化沟工艺在工艺稳定度、工艺流程、设备管理等方面优势明显。其 BOD去除率、COD去除率皆可达90%以上,脱氮除磷效率也高。因此,本设计采用卡鲁塞尔氧化沟污水处理工艺处理废水可满足设计要求。本设计的工艺流程确定如下:污水先进入粗格栅除去污水中粗大颗粒物质,接着通过泵房把水输送至细格栅,进一步拦截粗格栅未能去除的较小漂浮物,以免堵塞后续单元的设备和工艺渠道。接着进入曝气沉砂池,使比重大的无机颗粒下沉,而有机悬浮颗粒能够被水流带走。然后污水进入卡鲁塞尔氧化沟,去除水中氨氮和有机物。二沉池采用辐流式二沉池,使污泥有效分离,一部分污泥通过污泥回流井回流,另一部分污泥则通过污泥浓.缩池、脱水机房进行浓缩脱水进而外运。根据工艺流程,设计计算相关主要构筑物(粗格栅、泵房、细格栅、曝气沉砂池、卡鲁塞尔氧化沟、辐流式二沉池、污泥回流井、污泥浓缩池)的尺寸并完成各构筑物平面、剖面图、工艺流程高程图及总平面布置图。本设计技术上可行、经济上合理。投资费用为 2.05 亿元,每吨污水处理费用为0.525 元/吨。设计的整个工艺流程可以有效地节约工程投资、降低处理费用,减少占地面积,并且运行稳定、二次污染少,可以确保废水处理达标排放。经过处理后,废水预计可达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002),国家二级排放标准,BOD≤30mg/ L,COD≤100mg/ L,SS≤30mg/L,NH3-N≤25mg/ L。从而使得受污染的水质得到极大的改善,使出水对环境造成的有害影响极大程度的降低,消除污染,实现保护环境、可持续发展的目的。29858
    毕业论文关键词: 卡鲁塞尔氧化沟;城市污水;曝气沉砂池
    Design of Carrousel Oxidation Ditch for Treatment ofMunicipal Sewage WaterDesign General Information: This design conscientiously implement the relevant nationalenvironmental protection policy and the engineering project is complied with the relevantlaws, standards and regulations of the state. The sewage treatment project daily processingcapacity of the design is 200000m3, and the inflow water quality is as follows:CODcr=370mg/L, BOD5=200mg/L, NH3-N=50mg/L, TN=60mg/L, SS=350mg/L. In orderto eliminate the pollution, protect the environment, a whole set of practical, reasonable andeconomical plan should be selected through the comparison of plans, according toemission requirements in "the urban sewage treatment plant emission standards forpollutants" (GB1.8918-2002), combined with the types and characteristics of waste water.After comparing these different waste water biological treatment processes andcombining with the characteristics of waste water quality, the design adopted the Carrouseloxidation ditch treatment process. The Carrousel oxidation ditch treatment process iswidely use in the worldwide. The Carrousel oxidation ditch process has obviousadvantages in stability, technological process, equipment management etc.. The BODremoval rate, COD removal rate are all over 90%, and nitrogen and phosphorus removalefficiency is high. Therefore, the Carrousel oxidation ditch sewage treatmenttechnology can make the design achieve the best result.The technological process of the design is determined as follows: the sewage flowsinto the coarse grid to remove coarse particulate matter in the water, then the water istransported to the fine grid through the pump room, further to intercept the small floatingparticles which the coarse grid failed to remove, to prevent blockage of the followingequipment and technology channel. Then the waste water enters into the aerated gritchamber, to make the heavy inorganic particles go down and the organic suspendedparticles flow away. Then the sewage enters the Carrousel oxidation ditch, and removeammonia nitrogen and organic matter in the sewage. The radial flow sedimentation tanktwo separates the sludge from the water. Then a part of the sludge flows back through thereturn sludge wells, and another part is dehydrated and enriched through the sludgeconcentration tank and the sludge dewatering room.Design, calculate the size of the major structures and complete the plane figure,profile figure, process elevation map and general layout of the major structres(such ascoarse grid, pump room, fine grid, aerated git chamber, Carrousel oxidation ditch, the radial flow sedimentation tank two, the sludge concentration tank and the sludgedewatering room etc.).The design is technically feasible, economically rational. The investment cost is 114million yuan, the treatment fee of one ton sewage is 0.256 yuan. The design caneffectively save the project investment, reduce processing costs and the occupied area.What’s more, The whole technological process operates stably, rarely cause secondarypollution and it ensure effluent water quality achieve the discharge standards.After being treated by Carrousel oxidation ditch, the treated waste water is expectedto achieve "the urban sewage treatment plant emission standards for pollutants"(GB18918-2002), emission standards at the national 2ndlevel, that is : CODcr ≤ 100 mg/L,BOD5 ≤ 30 mg/L, SS ≤ 30 mg / L, ammonia nitrogen ≤ 25mg/L. So that the contaminatedwater has been greatly improved and the harmful effects on the environment has beeneliminated, to protect the environment and realize sustainable developing.
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