    设计总说明:纺织工业在我国具有悠久的历史,具有重要的产业地位,其中印染业又占了较大的部分。据统计,印染废水约占工业废水总排放量的10%。据不完全统计,我国每年约有7. 2 × 108m3印染废水排入水环境,是当前最主要的水体污染源之一。随着化学工业和染整技术的飞速发展和突飞猛进,大量的新的染料及化学用品被使用,其包含的有毒物质越来越多,在环境中也很难降解,有些甚至是高危害的有机物,具有致癌作用,对环境以及人类造成了极大的威胁。因此印染废水的综合治理成为当今社会发展不可忽视的一个关键问题。33630
         针对印染废水的水质特点,对某印染企业排放的废水设计一个合理的废水处理工艺流程。设计水量为5000t/d,进水水质为COD浓度为800mg/L,BOD5为200mg/L,SS为200mg/L,色度为1000, pH为 9.5—10.5。要求处理出水达到《纺织工业污染物排放标准》(GB4287--1992)中Ⅰ级标准以上,其出水水质为COD≤100mg/L,BOD5≤30 mg /L,SS≤70mg/L,色度≤80倍,pH值=6—9。
    毕业论文关键词: 印染废水;水解酸化;生物接触氧化法;工艺流程
    Dyeing and finishing wastewater treatment process       
    General description of design  :Textile industry is one of the traditional pillar industries in China, and the printing and dyeing industry takes a large proportion in the textile industry.The printing and dyeing wastewater produced by the printing and dyeing industry accounts for about 1/l0 of total industrial wastewater.According to incomplete statistics, China's annual about 7.2 x 108m3 printing and dyeing waste water discharged into the water environment, is the main water pollution source of water. With the rapid development of industrial dye and finishing technology progress, new additives, dyes and finishing agent has been widely used in printing and dyeing industry, difficult degradation of toxic organic compounds content are more and more, and some are even carcinogenic, mutagenic, resulting in distortion of the organic matter, on the environment especially the water environment of threats and hazards is growing. So the comprehensive treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater has become an urgent problem to be solved.

    According to the water quality characteristics of the printing and dyeing wastewater, a reasonable wastewater treatment process is designed for the wastewater treatment of a printing and dyeing enterprise.. The designed water content is 5000t/d, the influent water quality is 800mg/L, BOD5 is 200mg/L, SS is 200mg/L, the chroma is 1000, pH is 9.5 - 10.5. Requirements of effluent reaches more than the textile industrial pollutants emission standards "(GB4287--1992) (I), grade, and the effluent water COD is less than or equal to 100 mg / L, BOD5 is less than or equal to 30 mg / L, SS is equal to or less than 70mg / L, chroma is less than or equal to 80 times, pH = 6 - 9.
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