    设计总说明:随着经济的发展,建筑设计也顺应时代需求,出现多样化。这些新型建筑的复杂性给人员疏散和消防灭火造成巨大的困难。而火灾危险性最大的当属高层建筑。据统计,火灾当中,人员致死最主要的原因是烟气的高温、毒性以及窒息性。高温对暴露于火灾中的人员产生烘烤,使其体温升高,导致烧伤、热虚脱、脱水以及呼吸道闭塞。在毒性方面,设计过程中常以CO的含量作为主要定量判定指标,要求燃烧产物的CO含量在30 min内达不到人体的耐受极限。烟气能够导致能见度降低,从而减缓人员疏散的速度,甚至误导人员进入错误的逃生方向导致死亡。为了降低火灾当中烟气对人体造成的侵害,需要对高层建筑的防排烟系统进行设计。目前,我国高层建筑的防排烟系统大多参照规范进行设计。这种设计方法简单可靠。但是,设计出来的防排烟系统有其弊端。当代建筑形式多样化,规范化的标准都是根据以往的防排烟设计过程中总结而来。这种标准应用于高层建筑火灾时,在防排烟设计上不能起到理想的排烟效果。当前,高层建筑的防排烟设计朝着性能化的方向发展。38619
    烟气控制的性能化设计是以火灾安全目标为对象,通过各种烟气流动模型对火灾烟气运动的分析描述,使设计出最佳的烟气控制方案成为可能。在众多用于模拟烟气的软件中,被广泛使用的是由美国国家标准与技术研究院开发的FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator)使用过程中通过编程的手段,将设置以命令的形式写入,对操作者的编程和逻辑能力要求很高。本文使用的是在FDS的基础上发展而来的软件,即Pyrosim。它为火灾的动态模拟提供了图形用户界面,可以直接建模、设置边界条件、火源和燃烧材料等。其操作简单易学。
    《民用建筑防火设计规范》GB50016-95 (2006)
    《建筑防排烟技术规程》 DGJ08-88-2006
    《购物中心、中庭和大面积建筑的烟气管理系统指南》NFPA92B(2000 版)
    《建筑防火设计》第二版 中国建筑工业出版社
    《建筑防火工程》 化学工业出版社
    《建筑消防工程技术》 中国建材工业出版社
    关键词: 性能化;防排烟;烟气运动;FDS软件
    A comparison between traditional and performance-based design of smoke control in a high-rise building
    Description of design:With the development of economy, the architectural design appears persification. It keeps up with the demand of the steps of the times. The complexity of the new building caused great difficulties for evacuation and fire extinguishing. The fire of high-rise building has largest risk. According to the statistics, in a fire, the main reasons of casualties are that the high temperature of flue gas, toxic and suffocate. High temperature bakes the person who exposed to fire. With the high temperature rising, it causes burns, thermal collapse, dehydration and airway occlusion. When it comes to the toxicity of smoke, the concentration of CO is used as quantitative determination. It requires the various toxic concentrations of combustion products reach the tolerance limit of human body within 30 minutes. Smoke can lead to poor visibility, slow down the rate of evacuation, even mislead people into the wrong direction. In order to reduce the hurt to human body caused by smoke, it’s necessary for person to design the smoke control system of high-rise building .At present, the smoke control system of high-rise building were mostly refer to specification. This design method is simple and reliable. However, the way by specification has its disadvantages. Nowadays the form of architecture comes to persification, standardization of the standard are based on previous designing, and summarize the experience in the design process.
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