摘 要问题行为在智力障碍儿童群体中是一种较为普遍的现象,智力障碍儿童较为常见的问题行为有多动注意力行为缺失,冲动、攻击、自伤行为,退缩行为,性行为异常,反社会行为,异食行为等。在智力障碍人群中,中度智力障碍儿童占有一定比重。奥尔夫音乐疗法帮助个体矫正问题行为已经在很多领域得到应用。但是目前采用奥尔夫音乐疗法针对中度智力障碍儿童干预的案例极少。为此,本研究采用奥尔夫音乐疗法,结合观察法、访谈法和单一被试实验法对1名中度智力障碍儿童进行干预,在家庭自然情境中对儿童进行教学,通过对儿童确立目标和使用奥尔夫音乐疗法减少问题行为。结果表明,与干预之前相比,该儿童的问题行为次数有明显下降。本研究不仅为系统了解奥尔夫音乐疗法对特殊儿童问题行为的干预效果提供了实证证据,也为智力障碍儿童问题行为的干预提供了科学指导。90064
毕业论文关键词:中度智力障碍; 奥尔夫音乐疗法; 问题行为;干预
Abstract The problem behavior is a common phenomenon in the group of children with intellectual disabilities。 It has been found that the more common problem behaviors of children with mental retardation are lack of attention, impulsivity, attack, self-injury behavior, withdrawal behavior Behavioral abnormalities, antisocial behavior, heterotopic behavior and so on。 Children with moderate mental retardation have a certain proportion of people with mental retardation。 The intervention of Orff music therapy on inpidual correction problems behavior has been applied in many areas。 However, there are few cases in which Orff Music Therapies are used for children with moderate mental retardation。 In this study, Orff music therapy was used to intervene in a child with moderate mental retardation by means of observation, interview and a single-subject test。 This child was taught in the family context。 Through the establishment of goals, Orff Music therapy was used to reduce his problem behavior。 The results showed that the number of behavioral problems of the child was decreased significantly compared with that before the intervention。 This study not only provides evidence for systematically understanding the application of Orff music therapy in the intervention of special children, but also provides empirical evidence for the scientific guidance for interventions for children with intellectual disabilities。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
Keyword: moderate intellectual disability; Orff music therapy; Problem behavior; intervention。
摘 要 I
Abstract I
目录 III
第一章 引言 1
第二章 文献综述 1
1 奥尔夫音乐疗法 1
1。1概述 1
1。3 奥尔夫音乐疗法的研究现状 2
2 中度智力障碍儿童 2
2。1 概念界定 2
2。2 基本特点 3
3 问题行为 3
3。1 问题行为概述 3
4 中度智力障碍儿童奥尔夫音乐治疗的研究现状 4
第三章 研究方案 5
1 研究的总体构想