Abstract:Since China reform and opening up, Chinese economy grows rapidly, especially with Chinese accession to the WTO the relationship between international investment and further eepening,Chinese utilization of foreign capital on the size and structure of the great changes have taken place。In this article, through analyzing the actual situation of Nantong textile industry, the research of foreign direct investment in Nantong textile industry, reveals the characteristicsof its foreign capital utilization, Nantong reference foreign development of textile industry is analyzed and the existing problems, finally the future how to better use of FDI to promote Nantong textile industry and puts forward some suggestions of the city's economic development。
Keywords:textile industry,introducing foreign investment,present situation,problem, countermeasure
1引言 3
2文献综述 3
3南通市纺织业利用外资的现状 4
3。1纺织业利用外资的规模及趋势 4
3。2南通市纺织业的外资来源地分布及比例 5
4南通市纺织业利用外资存在的问题 6
4。1外资挤占本地市场,对内资企业产生威胁 6
4。2企业吸收外资技术的能力不强,自主创新能力不足 7
4。3外资人才溢出效应有限 7
4。4外资来源地过于单一,发达地区外资引进偏少 9
4。5外资投入纺织业规模仍偏小 9
5南通市利用外资的政策建议 9
5。1合理引导外商投资方向 9
5。2积极利用外资科技,提高自主创新能力 10
5。3人才投入加大外资,注重科技创新人才的培养 10
5。4拓展引资领域和途径,提高引资质量和规模 11
5。5发挥自身优势吸引外资 11
结论 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14
1引言源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766