Study on the Causes of the Income Gap among Residents in Jiangsu:Sources of Income
Abstract:Since the 21st century,Jiangsu province ranks highest on economic development speed,residents’ income have been greatly improved.However,the absolute value of the income gap among residents has also expanded rapidly.This paper calculates the Gini coefficient of household income in Jiangsu province from 2003 to 2015.The paper decomposes the Gini coefficient,compares and analyses the impact of each sub-income.It is found that,the overall Gini coefficient of Jiangsu province experiences a fluctuating decline.From the point of source of income,the impact of each sub-income is different.Wage income has the biggest contribution to the income gap,followed by the transfer income, operating income,property income.Wage income is the main reason for the reduction of income difference.This paper makes an in-depth analysis of the causes of each of them,and puts forward relevant policy recommendations.
Keywords:income gap;income source;Gini coefficient
目 录
0引言 1
1江苏省居民收入差距现状 2
2居民收入差距测定方法及结果分析 4
2.1基尼系数方法介绍 4
2.2江苏省居民收入差距基尼系数结果分析 5
2.3江苏省居民收入差距的来源分解及结果分析 6
2.3.1各分项收入基尼系数走势变化 7
2.3.2各分项收入基尼系数比较分析 7
2.3.3各分项收入贡献率比较 11
3缩小收入差距对策研究 13
3.1完善工资持续增长机制,提高最低工资标准 13
3.2实现财产性收入倍增,引导居民树立正确的理财观 13
3.3加大转移支付力度,鼓励规模化、产业化经营,拓宽社会保障覆盖范围 14
结论 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17