摘 要:区域性高校是智慧人才汇集的地方,其主要功能之一就是服务区域性社会。在此基础上,从高校智库的由来和区域性高校智库建设现状出发,运用SWOT分析法对影响区域性高校智库建设的机遇与威胁等内部因素和优势与劣势等外部因素进行分析,并对各因素交叉匹配得出区域性高校智库建设的战略选择,进而有针对性的提出开展区域性高校智库建设、服务区域社会的相关对策建议,包括创造健康环境、明确发展方向、理论研究与对策研究并重、利用高校人才优势、完善考核评价机制等方面。35131 毕业论文关键词:高校智库;区域性;SWOT
Status and Prospects of Regional University Think Tank Construction Based on SWOT Perspective
Abstract: Regional Academic talent pool of local wisdom, one of its main function is to serve the regional community. On this basis, the origin and status of regional universities from the construction of university think tank think tank view, the use of external factors affecting SWOT analysis think tank construction of the regional college opportunities and threats and other internal factors and the advantages and disadvantages are analyzed and the various factors cross match drawn strategic Choice of the Regional University think tank construction, and then targeted propose some suggestions to carry out the construction of the Regional University think tank, the service area of society, including the creation of a healthy environment, a clear direction, theoretical research and Countermeasures try, use of personnel and universities, improve the assessment mechanism, etc.
Key words: University think tank ; regional ; SWOT
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