摘 要:目前,我国的外汇储备资产位居世界第一。巨额的外汇资产储备使中国的经济面临着很大的风险。所以,我国应采取有效的措施对外汇资进行管理。由于日本也具有巨额外汇储备的特点,对日本外汇储备资产管理进行分析,借鉴其管理经验对我国的外汇资产储备的管理有重大意义。本文对我国和日本的外汇储备现状进行分析,发现我国的外汇储备资产量巨大,外汇资产的构成单一。外汇资产的管理中存在外汇资产管理效率低、外汇储备管理主体过于集中、缺乏统一的管理体制的问题。然后分析了日本外汇储备的双层外汇管理体系、风险管理体系等管理经验,最后提出改革我国外汇管理体系、鼓励“藏汇于民”、完善我国的风险框架等外汇储备资产管理措施。36798 毕业论文关键词:日本;外汇储备;资产管理
Japan's Foreign Exchange Reserve Asset Management Experience and Its Enlightenment to China
Abstract:At present, China's foreign exchange reserves of assets is among the first in the world. The great amount of exchange reserve assets makes Chinese economy face great risk. Therefore, China should take effective measures to manage the foreign exchange capital. Because the Japanese have the huge amount of foreign exchange reserves, based on Japanese foreign exchange reserve asset management analysis, we can learn from the management experience from Japan.First,Chinese foreign exchange reserves and the Japanese foreign exchange reserve status analysis and found a huge amount of foreign currency reserve assets of our country and the constitution of foreign exchange assets is single. Based on the analysis of Japan's foreign exchange reserves double foreign exchange management system, risk management system and management experience,we put forward the reform of China's foreign exchange management system, encourage "storing foreign exchange to the people, and improve our risk framework etc. foreign currency reserve assets management measures.
Key words: Japanese; Foreign exchange reserve asset; Management
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、 中日外汇储备现状分析 2
(一)中国外汇储备的现状 2
(二)日本外汇储备的现状 3
二、当前中国外汇储备资产的问题分析及管理现状 6
(一)外汇储备量巨大、增长迅速、持有成本高 6
(二)我国外汇储备资产构成单一、风险大 7
(三)货币政策缺少独立性 7
(四)外汇储备经营管理体制落后 8
(五)管理系统分层不清晰 8
三、日本外汇储备资产管理经验概述 9
(一)日本外汇储资产管理原则与资产的基本构成 9
(二)日本双层次外汇管理体系与模式运作 9
(三)日本外汇储备资产风险管理体系 9
四、日本外汇储备对我国的启示 10
(一)改革我国的外汇管理体系 10
(二)完善我国的风险管理框架 10
(三)积极推行藏汇于民政策 11
参考文献 13
致 谢 14