摘要:长三角地区在近些年发展迅猛,大量中小制造业也如雨后春笋般出现,使区域经济越发充满活力,为地方经济做出了不可忽视的作用。自十一五以来,我国物流业的发展也突飞猛进。新技术,新模式地运用,让物流不断转型升级,使之更为便捷、高效。物流在产业链中的重要地位使之被认为企业的“第三利润点”,合理的物流选择与运用可以使企业减少成本,提高运作效率,增强企业竞争力。然而长三角中小制造业的物流现状并不使人满意,低效、高耗仍旧是当前的主题。本文旨在对长三角中小制造业物流现状的分析与模式的研究,找到适合中小制造业的物流方式,释放出企业被传统物流所压抑的活力。促进制造业本身健康发展,同时反作用于物流,使物流水平上升来更好服务企业,以此形成一个良性循环。36853 毕业论文关键词:长三角 中小制造业 物流现状 发展研究
Study On Present Situation And Development Of Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Logistics Industry In Yangtze River Delta
Abstract: The rapid development of the Yangtze River Delta region in recent years, a large number of small and medium-sized manufacturing industry such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain like appearance, make regional economy more vibrant, made a very important role for the local economy. From eleven countries since five, the development of China's logistics industry will also make a spurt of progress. The use of new technology, new mode, logistics is constantly upgrade, make it more convenient, efficient. The important role of logistics in the industrial chain to be considered the company's "third profit", the logistics selection and reasonable use can enable enterprises to reduce costs, improve operational efficiency, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. However, the current situation of logistics of small and medium sized manufacturing industry in the Yangtze River Delta is not satisfactory, inefficient, high consumption is still the current theme. The author of this paper aims to analysis and model research on the present situation of the Yangtze River Delta small and medium-sized manufacturing logistics, find the way of logistics for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, the release of pent up traditional logistics activity.
Not only can promote the healthy development of the enterprise itself, but also counterproductive in the logistics, the logistics level rises to better serve enterprises, thus forming a virtuous cycle.
Key Words:Yangtze River Delta;small and medium manufacturing;logistics Present situation;developmental research
目 录
二、长三角中小制造业的物流环境 .3
(一)宏观环境. . 3
(二)微观环境. . . .6
三、长三角地区物流现状与问题. .8
(一)长三角物流发展历史 .8
(三)中小制造业与物流存在的问题 .10
四、改进中小制造业物流的发展策略. . . . 11
(一)转变中小制造业的物流思文. 12
(二)提高第三方物流的服务能力 . . 12
(五)提升物流从业人员的素质 . 15
五、总结 参考文献 . . . .16
自“十一五”以来,国家越来越重视物流业的发展,不断地在会议中指明物流在现代经济发展中的重要地位,各种物流发展纲要、规划亦随之而来。因此,我国物流行业在近些年处在快车道,在政策的扶持下,公路、铁路、水路、管道、航空等物流方式的基础配套建设不断完善,现代物流体系已初具规模,与此同时,服务水平也在逐步上升,但有些需求仍然不能满足。特别是区域间物流差距大、企业间物流差别大、不同的物流间差别大。区域间物流差距大是指不同区域的物流水平差别大,同样重量的货物同样的距离收费差别大。企业间物流差别大是指大型制造企业与中小制造企业之间的物流水平差别大,大型企业往往能够自建物流,甚至能在物流中获利,也能选择较高水准的物流企业。而中小制造业无力自建物流,选择个体运输户完成物流目标。不同的物流之间的差异更是显而易见的,优秀的物流企业效率高、技术运用到位、网点建设全面,而一般的物流则只是完成装货到目的地的任务,过程中效率低、费用高、安全也得不到保障。当前物流行业的基本矛盾也就是“客户日益增长的质量与服务的需要同落后的物流水平之间的矛盾”。但是,物流业发展总体水平还不高,发展方式比较粗放。2013年我国社会物流总费用与国内生产总值的比率高达18%,高于发达国家水平1倍左右,也显著高于巴西、印度等发展中国家的水平,表明了我国物流成本高,还有很大的发展空间。打破阻碍物流发展的体制机制,推广先进技术,统一物流标准,健全便捷的交通运输网络,完善政策法规体系,规范市场秩序,将是今后物流发展的主题曲。[ ]