关键词: 后金融危机;中小货运代理;发展趋势 4166
A Study of the Current Situation and Development Trend of the Small and Medium-sized Freight Forwarding Companies in the Post-crisis Era
Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, freight forwarding companies in china have developed rapidly. However, the global financial crisis in 2008 gave many small and medium-sized freight forwarding companies a heavy shock, even caused them facing the crisis of collapse. The question of how to change the development mode for survival and development in response to the crisis has become the urgent need for the freight industry to think about in the post-crisis era. From the point of world financial crisis, this thesis will introduce the overall development situation of the freight forwarding industry in China and analyze the status quo of the small and medium-sized freight forwarding companies, refining existing problems as well as the cause of such problems and giving the suggestions to solve these problems in hope of helping the development of small and medium-sized freight forwarding companies as a reference.
KeyWords: post-crisis; small and medium-sized freight forwarders; situation and development
目 录
引言 3
一、我国货运代理行业发展概述 4
二、我国中小货运代理企业发展现状分析 5
(一) 金融危机对我国中小货代企业造成巨大的冲击 5
1、 外贸进出口量下滑,货运需求减少,业务量锐减 5
2、 出现资金周转缺口,中小货代企业面临倒闭危机 6
3、 行业制度不完善,竞争更加无序混乱 6
4、 行业内层层外包现象严重,货代业的危机即将出现 6
(二)现阶段我国中小货运代理企业格局特征 7
1、 中小货代企业规模小,效率优势体现,优势与劣势并存 7
2、 经济复苏,外商抢占市场,中小货代企业机遇与挑战共同显现 8
(三) 我国中小货运代理企业发展中存在的问题及原因分析 10
1、 存在的问题 10
(1) 抗风险能力低 10
(2) 人才流失严重 11
(3) 服务质量低 11
(4) 行业秩序紊乱,可替代性高 12
(5) 创新模式有待开发 12
2、 原因分析 13
(1) 缺乏核心竞争力 13
(2) 忽略人才的培养和发展 14
(3) 经营模式落后 15
(4) 行业秩序混乱 15
(5) 服务理念保守,缺乏经验 15
三、后金融危机时代我国中小货运代理企业的发展策略 17
(一) 发掘自身比较优势,做专做强,提升竞争力 17
(二) 重视人才培养,加强人才储备 17
(三) 优化和完善服务流程,积极落实经营模式转型 18