Title    Android-based Vehicle License Plate Recognition Software Abstract With the popularity of smart phones and mobile communication technology matures, people will be able to enjoy anytime, anywhere via smartphone brings mobile Internet services, smartphones are more and more people's attention, currently, Android platform occupied the smart phone market half. The project will identify a vehicle license based on the Android platform components, embedded systems for mobile applications to meet the call, in order to facilitate the use of traffic management, automatically turn on the camera, automatic license plate capture video while the mobile terminal device screen on display video; automatically detects the current state of the environment, to provide a suitable video capture resolution; LED lights can be turned on the camera, be shooting at night.22915
Keywords  Android   Car license  Identification  Shooting
关键词  Android  汽车牌照  识别  拍摄
Table of Contents
1 Introduction    1
1.1 Purpose and significance    1
1.2 Current status of license plate recognition technology at home and abroad    3
1.3 Particularity of China's license plates    4
1.4 Plate recognition research    6
2 Relevant Theories    7
2.1 Character recognition of vehicle license plates    7
2.2 Character recognition method based on template matching    8
2.3 Features of Android    8
2.4 Potential Difficulties    9
3 Project requirements analysis    10
3.1 Users-demand analysis    10
3.2 System design    10
3.3 Brief Summary    11
4 System implementation    11
4.1 Core module    11
4.1.1 Image compression    11
4.1.2 Location    11
4.1.3 Segmentation    13
4.1.4 OCR recognition    13
4.2 Operation effect demonstration    14
5 System performance testing    16
5.1 Speed of recognition    16
5.2 Recognition accuracy    16
5.3 Requirements of taking pictures    16
5.4 Follow-up work    16
Conclusion    17
Acknowledgements    18
References    18
1    Introduction
1.1    Purpose and significance
    Vehicle license plate is equivalent to a vehicle's identity card, as well as the only certificate of a vehicle's identity in public places. For this, China's traffic management department has paid much attention to the management of vehicle license plates and has developed a set of strict management regulations. Among them, the production, installation and maintenance of vehicle license plates are subject to the unified management of the policy-making departments.
    Vehicle license plate recognition is an important research topic in the intelligent traffic fields in which computer vision and pattern recognition technology is applied. This technology possesses wide ranges of applications, including: (1) traffic flow detection; (2) traffic control and guidance; (3) vehicle management at the entrances and exits of airports, ports and other places; (4) vehicle management in communities; (5) illegal vehicles monitoring like running red light; (6) Non-stop automatic toll; (7) vehicle monitoring at crossing checkpoints; (8) anti-theft security management of public parking lots; (9) calculation of travel time; (10) vehicles' anti-theft security and examination and interception of specified vehicles. It has great potential application value in the marketplace and is able to generate huge social and economic benefits.

Design and Development of An An...









