摘要: 游戏是一种结构化组织程序,依照一定的条件,玩家达成相应的任务获取相应奖励。在计算机世界,游戏,这种程序呈现方式并没有像谈及其他软体那么卑微,尤其在90年代随着一种新的编程思想逐渐把冗长高耦的过程化开发统治时期打破(OOP-Object Oriented Programing面向对象开发),游戏这一基于极强目的性,高度流程化的项目程序更是使程序员得以借其大展身手。同时随着各平台上游戏程序的接踵而至,各编程语言也在游戏的催化下不断的进化更新。34771
飞机游戏是一种经典的射击类游戏。游戏主要目的很简单即射击,得分,过关。同时游戏载体也非常清楚即主机,敌机。本次毕业设计课题分为两个小课题的实现,其一,借助C++语言平台,学习MFC类库,运用类库接口以及函数调用完成界面更加友好的图形化飞机游戏程序开发。其二,提出对模块化程序的初步构想以及模块化模型的基础型,以展望未来游戏的发展。 毕业论文关键词:飞机游戏;面向对象;MFC;模块化
PlaneGame and The theory of Modular-Programing
Abstract: As the computer games belongs to a kind of structured program, we need to accordance with the rules to the destination. In the Programing world, actually, Game is much more important than the most of the rest. From 1990s, as the new theory came out, instead of the POP (Procedure Oriented Program) the OOP (Object Oriented Programing) gradually became the major way to program .The game is based on a strong goal, highly process project program is to allow programmers to borrow their exhibition skills. Along with the game program on the platform, the programming language is also the game of the catalytic evolution of the updated.
The plane game was a kind of classical PC game, the major of mission is to attack the enemy planes to get points. Obviously, this game have 2 basic object, my plane and the enemy planes .In my graduation project, I pide it to 2 small ones. The first of all is to develop a plane game which was based on the C++ and MFC, The second one is to made my conjecture of the theory of Modular-Programing.
KeyWords: PlaneGame; OOP; MFC; Modular
目 录
0 本课题的目的和意义、研究现状、水平 - 4 -
0.1课题的目的和意义 - 4 -
0.2 研究现状与水平 - 4 -
0.2.1阐述MFC的出现与发展概况 - 5 -
1项目概要 - 5 -
1.1项目简介 - 5 -
1.2项目基础流程与功能 - 5 -
1.2.1 基础流程功能 - 5 -
1.2.2 额外功能描述 - 6 -
2技术要点 - 6 -
2.1MFC基本介绍 - 6 -
2.2周期响应 - 7 -
2.3对象贴图 - 7 -
2.4对象存储 - 8 -
2.5体积与伤害判定 - 8 -
2.6指示与流程控制 - 9 -
2.7轨迹绘制与内存处理 - 9 -
2.7爆炸的连续显示 - 14 -
2.8对话框 - 14 -
3总体设计与详细设计 - 15 -
3.1系统模块划分 - 15 -
3.2主要功能模块 - 16 -
3.2.1对象与类关系 - 16 -
3.2.2总流程图 - 17 -
3.2.3分流程图 - 18 -
4代码阐述 - 19 -
4.1对象绘制 - 19 -
4.1.1 背景位图的绘制与实现 - 19 -
4.1.2游戏对象绘制与实现 - 20 -
4.2战机位置与动态实现 - 23 -
4.3碰撞处理 - 25 -
4.4关卡流程与结束 - 26 -