摘 要:网站的意义在于让音乐被聆听的同时能共享评论,网友也可以找到和自己志趣相投的朋友。网站制作时先设计整体框架,然后制定好每个模块是什么内容,其次准备相关素材,最后按照内容进行编辑填充。主页面有八大模块,网友可以自由选择。网站以音乐评论为主,其他介绍内容辅助使内容更丰富。网站特别设计了群组功能,网友登陆后可以浏览评论群组里的内容。37802 毕业论文关键词:音乐评论;Dreamweaver;ASP;Access
Design and Implementation of Music Criticism Site
Abstract: Significance of the site is to allow music to be listened to at the same time be able to share comments; users can also find like-minded friends and their own. Website to design the overall framework of the production and the development of good is what each module, followed by the preparation of related material and, finally, edit the content filling. Home side has eight modules, users can freely choose. Music review site-based, content assists other presentation makes more abundant. Website specially designed group function; users log in to see the comment after the contents of the group.
Key Words:Music criticism;Dreamweaver;ASP;Access
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