摘 要:系统基于.NET技术开发,以Microsoft Visual Studio 2010和MS SQLSERVER 2008作为开发工具和数据库服务器,使用了Ajax和JQuery技术实现了页面的局部刷新。系统包括毕业生基本信息导入、就业信息导出、基本信息浏览、就业信息录入与修改、必填信息审核、就业率统计与打印等功能。该系统结合师范学院招生就业处的实际需求开发,节省了大量的人力资源,大大提高了招生就业处对毕业生就业信息统计的效率。37958 毕业论文关键词:就业信息统计;.NET;Ajax;JQuery
Design and Implementation of the Graduate Employment Statistics Information System
Abstract: The system is based on .NET technology, using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and MS SQLSERVER 2008 as a development tool and database server to complete ,using Ajax and JQuery technology to achieve the partial refresh of the page. This system has a variety of functions,including input of the graduate’s basic information, output of the employment information, looking through the basic information,importing and modificating employment information,and checking the required information,which can also achieve the employment rate statistics and printing function,etc. The system is developed according to the actual demand of Normal University Admissions Employment Department, saving a large amount of human resources,and helping the Admissions Employment Department greatly improve the efficiency of graduate employment information statistics.
Key Words: Employment Information Statistics; .NET; Ajax; JQuery
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