本系统主要使用JSP和 SQLServer,以MyEclipse作为开发环境和tomcat作为服务器,开发出的一个社区医疗信息管理系统。 39595 毕业论文关键词: 社区医疗;健康档案;医疗信息管理系统;JSP
Design and Implementation of Community Health Care Management Information System
Abstract: With information technology developing, management system becomes information gradually. All walks of life have been aware of the backwardness of the traditional management model, in order to keep up with the times , companies are starting to develop an appropriate management system.
The functions for the community health information management system are: family archives management, health records management, healthy management, medical information management and crowd classification. With this system, we can achieve information technology, ease of management personnel management function module, and monitor the health of community residents. It allows health managers to better analyze community health information, and health information to community members in real time. This system page is simple, easy to operate, with an error message, security is good.
This system is mainly the use of JSP and SQLServer, using MyEclipse as a development environment and using tomcat as a server, develops a community health information management system.
Keywords: Community health care;Health record;Health care management information system;JSP
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 目的和意义 1
1.3 研究内容 1
第2章 系统的开发工具 2
2.1 开发工具 2
2.2 JSP 2
2.3 JavaScript 2
2.4 Struts 2简介 2
第3章 系统需求分析 4
3.1需求调研 4
3.2可行性分析 4
3.2.1技术的可行性 4
3.2.2经济的可行性 4
3.2.3操作可行性 4
3.2.4法律的可行性 4
3.3系统用户用例图 4
3.4社区医疗信息管理系统功能模块需求分析 5
3.5系统设计基本思想 6
3.6性能需求 6
3.6.1系统的安全性 6
3.6.2系统数据的完整性 6
第4章 社区医疗信息管理系统的分析与设计 7
4.1数据库的分析与设计 7
4.2数据库的概念结构设计 7
4.3数据库的逻辑结构设计 9
第5章 社区医疗信息管理系统的功能实现 12
5.1用户登陆页面 12
5.2功能模块实现 13
5.3家庭档案管理 13
5.4人员档案管理 14
5.5健康体检管理 17
5.6疾病信息管理 18
5.7人群分类 19
5.8系统管理 20
第6章 总结与展望 23