摘要: 现在各高校同步开设多元化的网络课程,对于《信息架构》这门课程我们需要从不同的视角去观察,通过多种途径深入学习,为自己的专业知识打好基础。在此情况下我们需要为学生提供多样的平台去探索知识的精华,构建一个《信息架构》主题网站就是为学生提供这样一个平台。《信息架构》主题网站主要是针对Web用户,在Web服务上发布该网站系统方便于学生等对这门学科感兴趣的用户去学习讨论。本网站主要实现以下功能,用户的注册与登录、浏览网站发布的新闻资讯、对网站的资源进行下载、参与网站主题热点话题的讨论、对个人信息进行管理等。本文主要讨论设计与实现《信息架构》主题网站以及相关技术,以其高度的针对性,资源的丰富性,用户的广泛性等优势,在学生以及其他用户学习课程和交流学习心得的方面发挥重要的作用,同时也为学校的课程教课计划提供参考信息。39679 毕业论文关键词: 主题网站;信息架构;Web
Design and Implementation of "Information Architecture" Theme of the Web
Abstract: Now colleges and universities offer a wide range of synchronous online course, for the "information architecture" course we need to observe from a different perspective, in-depth learning through a variety of ways, to lay the foundation for their professional knowledge . In this case, we need to provide students with a variety of platforms to explore the essence of knowledge, building an "information architecture" theme of the site is to provide students with such a platform. "Information architecture" theme of the site is mainly for WEB users, publishers, users of the website system convenient for students and other interested in this subject to study and discussion on the WEB service. This site mainly the following functions, registration and login, browse news and information website user resource site for download, theme of the site to participate in discussions of hot topics of personal information management. This paper discusses the design and implementation of "information architecture" theme of the site and related technology, with its highly targeted, rich resources, extensive user and other advantages, as well as play in student learning courses and exchange of learning important aspects of other users the role, but also provide reference information for the school curriculum to teach program.
Keywords: Theme-based site;information architecture;Web
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及研究意义 1
1.2 项目选用的开发工具及语言介绍 1
1.2.1 MySQL数据库简介 1
1.2.2 Struts2简介 2
1.2.3 软件体系结构介绍 2
1.2.4 J2EE体系简介 3
1.2.5 开发工具及运行环境 4
1.3 本文研究内容及主要贡献 4
1.4 本章小结 4
第2章 需求分析 5
2.1 功能需求 5
2.1.1 网站首页 5
2.1.2领域新闻 5
2.1.3 课程中心 5
2.1.4 资源下载 5
2.1.5互动交流 5
2.1.6 个人中心 5
2.2 性能需求 5
2.2.1 硬件环境 5
2.2.2 软件环境 6
2.3 可行性分析 6
2.4 本章小结 6
第3章 网站总体设计 7
3.1网站功能模块划分 7
3.1.1功能模块结构图 7
3.1.2各模块描述 8
3.2 数据层的设计 9