[毕业论文关键词]:JSP;MyEclipse;SQL Server;旅游;网站
With the development of network technology, the network has become part of people's daily lives. People’s daily activities will become increasingly dependent on the development of digital technology. we can believe that Internet will not only dramatically changed the way we live and work in the future, and even our society values a certain change will occur.
The design attempts to structure a tourist sharing websites based on JSP technology on the internet, in order to promote the development of the website with electronic process, paperless and intelligent management. From the theoretical and practical point of view, I design and implement a travel sharing website with a function of communication. Firstly, it will introduce the value of the background, content and meaning and so on, in order to full proof the value of website. Then analyze the feasibility of the implementation of the system, as well as a detailed description of physical database design and the relationship between entities.
The travel sharing websites was achieved by uses JSP technology in MyEclipse, JDK platform. Its main features are: user registration, post, news alerts, site management, Links etc. In the process of writing this thesis, the goal is to combine theory with practical applications, and to explain the various theories with the system from the practical and operation skill. This particular show these theories and techniques in this site application and implementation.
[Key Words] : JSP; MyEclipse;SQL Server;Travel;Website
目 录
摘 要 І
1.绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.3研究意义 2
1.4 研究内容 2
2.系统开发可行性分析 3
2.1管理可行性 3
2.2技术可行性 3
3.系统设计原则 3
3.1功能性 3
3.2 系统性 4
3.3 灵活性 4
3.4 可靠性 4
3.5 经济性 4
3.6 高效性 4
4.需求分析 4
4.1用户需求分析 4
4.2功能需求分析 5
4.2.1注册用户部分 5