通过整个模具设计,本人已经能够熟练地使用当前常用的设计分析软件,学会了根据计算或者依据经验选择一些参数, 增加了对注塑模具的了解。20581
关键词: 欧姆龙K6S控制器底座;模具设计;UG;工艺分析
Omron K6S controller base plastic mold design
Abstract: Based on omron K6S controller base plastic plastic design and analysis, design the plastics mold. In the process of the mold design, involving the structure of the design, selection of injection molding machine and mold frame and check some important process parameters of injection molding machine, and describes the parting surface of mould design in detail design, gating system design, molding parts design, demoulding mechanism and cooling system design, finally for molding parts processing scheme.
In the process of die design, using the UG, AutoCAD and other famous design analysis software, using the software to design analysis, optimize the design parameters and shortens the design time, improve the design efficiency greatly.
Through the mold design, I have been able to skillfully use the current common design analysis software, learned according to the calculation or choose some of the parameters on the basis of experience, to increase the understanding of the injection mould.
Key words: omron K6S controller base; mold design; UG; the process analysis
目 录
1 前言 1
1.1 塑料模具行业及产品发展现状1
1.2 课题意义 3
1.3 设计任务 3
2 塑件设计分析 4
2.1 塑件模型建立 4
2.1.1 模型3D图4
2.1.2 塑件2D图技术条件4
2.2 塑件参数设计4
2.2.1 材料选择 4
2.2.2 塑件收缩率 5
2.2.3 塑件的壁厚 5
2.2.4 塑件的拔模斜度 5
2.2.5 分型面设计 5
2.2.6 确定型腔数目以及排列方式 6
3 注塑设备选择7
3.1.1 有关塑件的计算7
3.1.2 注射机型号的确定7
3.2 注塑机重要参数校核8
3.2.1 注塑容量校核8
3.2.2 注塑压力校核9
3.2.3 塑件在分型面上的投影面积与锁模力校核9
3.2.4 开模行程校核10
4 浇注系统设计11
4.1 主流道设计 11
4.1.1 浇口套设计11
4.1.2 浇口套的固定形式11
4.2 分流道设计 12
4.2.1 分流道的形状12
4.2.2 分流道的布局12
4.3 浇口设计 13
4.3.1 侧浇口的尺寸13
4.4 冷料穴的设计14
4.5 排溢系统的设计14
5 成型零件设计及加工工艺方案制订 15
5.1 成型零件设计 15
5.1.1 凹模的设计15
5.1.2 凸模的设计15
5.2 成型零件主要工作尺寸计算 16