关键字:喷射阀 设计 流场 仿真 改进 毕业论文设计说明书(论文)外文摘要
Title A gas fuel injection valve design and flow analysis
With the extensive use of petroleum, a lot of air pollutants that have been produced in the process of burning results in a significant decline in air quality, like recent fog and haze, which brings people dozens of problems in their daily life. In this context, finding and developing a kind of rich, clean, efficient resource that can replace petroleum becomes imminent. In recent years, because of its characters such as rich, clean, cheap,inflammable gas has been widely concerned. So researching and developing high-efficiency gas engines have a strong practical significance.
First of all, this essay, based on the the structural characteristics of the different fuel injection valve, compares their similarities and differences and discusses the key issues of gaseous fuel injection valve that need to study. Based on the identified problems, this essay designs the preliminary structure. After injection valve’s three-dimensional modeling, CFD software is used to simulate the flow, observing the parameters of injection valve when it’s working, such as speed, pressure, flow conditions.
On the basis of theoretical analysis and flow simulation analysis, the writer improves the structure of the injection valve. And the performance of the injection valve has been promoted after the improvement.
Keywords:Injection valve,Designe,Flow field,Simulation,Improve
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 气体代用燃料的研究与发展状况 1
1.3 气体燃料发动机的研究与发展现状 3
1.4 气体燃料喷射阀的研究现状 4
1.5 本文的主要内容与结构 6
2 一种气体燃料喷射阀的结构设计 7
2.1 燃料喷射阀基本结构 7
2.2 气体燃料喷射阀存在的问题 9
2.3 气体燃料喷射阀结构设计 10
2.4 气体燃料喷射阀尺寸的确定 12
2.5 改进后气体燃料喷射阀3D建模 13
2.6 部分零件的二文图及工艺说明 14
2.7 本章小结 15
3 流动仿真模型的建立及计算 17
3.1 计算流体动力学的概述 17
3.2 计算流体动力学基本控制方程 18
3.3 流动空间的建模与网格划分 20
3.3.1 流动空间的建模 20
3.3.2 网格的划分 20