关键词 小口径 结构设计 导气式 枪机回转 枪管设计 击针设计 毕业论文设计说明书外文摘要
Title structure design for a new generation of small- caliber rifle
In recent years, the 5.8mm caliber rifle series has been developed successfully in China .but there are still many problems that can not be solved at this stage, such as human machine effect, system matching and so on .Therefore , a certain gap on small caliber rifles between China and European countries still exist.
This paper carried out the design and analysis calculation of the three important automatic rifle structures :the barrel, bolt and fire pin . In this paper, the automatic weapon gas dynamics and internal ballistic solution and mechanical strength check method have been used for the design of the barrel. In addition, the design of automatic weapon structure and the way of fatigue strength calculation and material mechanical strength check method have been used for the design of bolt.According to the special request of the fire pin ,the detailed analysis and calculation of the striking needle have been carried out.the result of this Design and analysis showed that the three important parts can meet the performance requirements of the system.
Keywords small-caliber structural design Gas-operated Rotating bolt Barrel design Firing pin design
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 小口径步枪的概念及优点 1
1.2 小口径步枪国内外发展状况 1
1.3 小口径步枪结构特点 2
1.3.1 自动方式 2
1.3.2 闭锁机构 2
1.3.3 增设点射控制机构机构 2
1.3.4 新材料和新工艺 2
2 结构比较与选择 3
2.1 步枪结构参数对比 3
2.2 战术技术指标的选择 4
3 枪管设计 6
3.1 枪管设计要求和外形结构 6
3.1.1 设计要求 6
3.1.2 枪管外部结构设计 6
3.2 枪管内膛结构设计 7
3.2.1 弹膛设计 7
3.2.2 坡膛设计 8
3.2.3 线膛设计 10
3.3 枪管管壁强度设计 15
3.3.1 枪管壁内的应力与应变 15