摘要:换热器是将热流体的部分热量传递给冷流体的设备,通过这种设备使物料能达到指定的温度以满足工艺的要求。换热器是化工、石油、动力、食品及其他许多工业部门的通用设备,在生产中占有重要地位,已经得到越来越广泛的应用。本设计为固定管板式换热器的机械设计,在设计过程中,严格按照GB150-1998《钢制压力容器》和GB151-1999《管壳式换热器》及换热器设计手册等标准进行设计和计算。综合考虑各种因素,结构设计合理、经济,同时满足制造、检修、装配、运输和文修等要求;换热器的材料、主要结构尺寸选择恰当,满足强度、    刚度、稳定性及水压试验等校核要求。在本次设计过程中已完成了设计说明书、一张总装配图和三张零件图的绘制,还对一篇外文进行了翻译等工作。8521
Design of Methyl Acetate Secondary Heat Exchanger
Abstract:Heat exchanger is the equipment that transfers a part of heat from the hot fluid to the cold. It is the kind of equipment that can make materials achieve the specified temperature to meet the technological requirements. Heat exchange is the universal equipment for the chemical, petroleum, power, food and other industrial sectors, which occupies an important position. And it has been applied more and more. The main content of the design is tube type heat exchanger. In the design process, the designer depends on strict accordance with GB150-1998, GB151-1999, Mechanical Design Handbook for design and calculation .Various factors taken into account, the structural design is reasonable and economic, while it satisfies the requirements of the manufacture, maintenance, assembling, transportation and so on. The heat exchanger materials and the size of main structures have been chosen properly to meet the strength, stiffness, stability, hydrostatic testing and other verification requirements.   In this design process, the designer has completed the design specifications, a general assembly and three spare parts drawings, and completed a foreign language translation.
KeyWords: Heat exchanger, tube type, structural design, verification.
目  录
1  换热器设计简介    1
1.1 引言    1
1.2 换热器的分类    2
1.2.1 间壁式换热器    3
1.2.2 管壳式换热器    4
1.3 课题研究的意义    4
1.4 国内外近年来的研究进展与主要成果    5
   1.4.1 新型换热器    6
   1.4.2 管壳式换热器    6
   1.4.3 管壳式换热器的泄露解决    7
 1.5 换热器中折流板的创新    7
 1.6 本文研究的内容    8
2  换热器的热力和阻力计算    10
2.1 热力计算    10
2.1.1 确定物性数据    11
2.1.2 确定物性参数    12
2.1.3 流动空间及流速的测定    13
2.1.4 计算总传热系数    14
2.1.5 换热器核算    15
  2.2 阻力计算    17
3  细部结构计算     18
  3.1 壳体和管箱材料的选择    18
3.2 筒体    18
3.3 封头    19
3.4 管箱及管箱盖    19
3.5 管箱筒体    20
3.6 管箱分程隔板    21
3.7 水压试验校核    21
3.8 固定管板    22
3.9 换热管及其排列方式    24
3.10 换热管与管板连接    25
3.11 接管    25









