
         Besides, there are some criticizing papers for reference, like A Repeating Scene: Life Choices on the Cliff by Yu Jianhua and On the Characteristics of Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye by Yin Dexiang. These papers will help analyze Holden’s spiritual world from another angle.
    Also, some passages downloaded from websites by normal readers can contribute to our analysis by demonstrating many various opinions and comments. Take The Catcher in the Rye: the Naivety of Childhood as an example, it tells us the reason that Holden keeps struggling through teenage life because he couldn’t accept the responsibilities that comes with growing up. After reading The Catcher in the Rye, it’s easy to notice that Holden tries to set rules for himself like an adult, but ends up breaking right away.
    In addition, there are still some researches done by Chinese scholars analyzing Holden or this book generally.  Most of the Chinese scholars hold the idea that The Catcher in the Rye, is the earliest representative work of the so called “Beat Generation”, which also demonstrates the spiritual situation of Americans born in 1950s. Analysis done by Zhang Jieming and Hu Li tell us how Holden struggles through growing up and reveals his psychological change during this period. Generally speaking, all the references are related to Holden’s psychological problems. That will be of great help for me.
    Last but not the least, there are also some passages talking about the relationship between Holden and his family, classmates, and random people he met once or twice. From reading these passages, I can analyze his interactions with different groups properly.
    All in all, with all passages or papers analyzing The Catcher in the Rye from various angels, I can analyze the protagonist’s spiritual world better.
    From what we have discussed above, we can draw a conclusion that it is still worthwhile to analyze the protagonist’s spiritual problems or psychological problems in The Catcher in the Rye. More importantly, after this analysis, more ways or solutions for dealing the ‘Generation Gap’, or simple problems between parents and children will be found out. In addition, while studying Holden’s different ways of interacting with different groups of people, we can also learn more about reactions of troubled teens.
    All in all, this analysis of Holden’s spiritual world is doable and worthy.
    (1)Basic Logic
    The thesis will be based on the study of complementary theses as well as an in depth study of The Catcher in the Rye. This paper aims at analyzing the ways that the protagonist, Holden interacted with different groups of people: his family; his friends in school; random people he met while staying in New York, especially females. After a proper study of his ways of communicating with different people, we can have a clue about Holden’s spiritual world. More importantly, we are capable of finding out his psychological problems. And finally, all the findings will more or less contribute to solving the Generation Gap problem nowadays.
    Chapter One:Introduction. Try to make a proper introduction about The Catcher in the Rye and the author, J.D.Salinger. Then, point out some main characters that will be analyzed in this paper. Finally, make a simple but impressive introduction of Holden, describing his main characteristics.
    Chapter Two:This part will study the ways that Holden interacted with his family, friends and random people especially females. His choices of words, his gestures and even his thinking will be analyzed.
    Chapter Three: Upon the studying done in the second part, this part is going to make conclusions about the reasons why Holden behaved differently while he was communicating with different people. More than that, a general idea of his spiritual problems will be pointed out at the end. In addition, a comparison between Holden and some troubled teens will be made in this part.
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