Accounting method of business combinations Research
Abstract: With the speeding globalization, mergers and acquisitions has become one of important means for enterprises to enhance their strength and realize the strategic.The selection of merger and acquisition accounting method is one of the most controversial issue and also one of the imperative necessary problems to solve in China combination practice at present.First this paper Outlines the definition, types and purpose and meaning of mergers and acquisitions activity, from the comparative analysis to the theory of two kinds of merger and acquisition accounting method, definition characteristics and similarities and differences of the purchase method, pooling of interest method.Then this basis, combined with specific case TCL company mergers analysis using different accounting methods will lead to the differences in accounting information.Finally, aiming at the present stage our country actual situation, combined with the international merger and acquisition accounting method as prescribed by the relevant experience, aiming at reveal the accounting and give a reasonable advice, so as to improve the merger accounting ,as well as, the purpose of the capital market.
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; purchasing method; pooling of interests method;accounting information
引言 1
一、企业合并基本概述 2
(一) 企业合并的概念 2
(二) 企业合并的目的与意义 2
1、 企业合并的目的 2
2、 企业合并的意义 2
(三) 企业合并的类型 3
1、 根据中国企业合并准则中标准划分 3
2、 根据国际准则合并前企业的市场关系划分 3
3、 根据国际准则按照法律形式划分 3
4、 根据国际准则合并的动机划分 3
5、 合并国际准则支付方式划分 3
二、 企业合并会计处理方式 4
(一) 权益结合法 4
1、 权益结合法的定义 4
2、 权益结合法的特点 4
3、 权益结合法的会计处理 4
(二) 购买法 5
1、 购买法的定义 5
2、 购买法的特点 5
3、 购买法的会计处理 5
(三)购买法和权益结合法对会计信息的影响比较 5
1、 购买法和权益结合法对资产负债表的影响 5
2、 购买法和权益结合法对利润表的影响 6
3、 购买法和权益结合法对财务指标的影响 6
三、 TCL集团案例分析 7
- 上一篇:创业板上市公司融资效率实证研究
- 下一篇:论机械制造企业的目标成本管理