    关键词  股权集中度  股权制衡度  公司绩效  实证分析
    Title  The research on the relationship between ownership concentration, equity restriction and corporate  performance                                         
    Since it was officially established in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the year of 2004, the SME board has grown into an indispensably important part of the multi-level capital market system. Ownership structure is an indispensable issue in the field of corporate governance. Therefore, the relationship between the ownership structure and the corporate performance has become an indispensable corporate governance concern. This article is based on SME and studied the relationship between ownership concentration,equity restriction and corporate performance,thus it has raised new ideas on corporate governance issues. This article uses the empirical research methods, and uses ROE as the measure of corporate performance, and made assumptions to thedemonstrate. The study concluded:(1)Ownership concentration and corporate performance is an positively U-shaped relationship;(2)There is a positive correlation between the equity restriction and corporate performance.
    Keywords  Ownership concentration  Equity restriction  Corporate performance Correlation  Empirical study
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  研究方法    2
    1.3  结构安排    2
    2  理论基础与制度背景    4
    2.1  理论基础    4
    2.2  制度背景    6
    文献回顾与假设提出    9
    3.1  股权集中度与公司绩效的关系    9
    3.2  股权制衡度与公司绩效的关系    10
    3.3  研究文献述评和假设提出    11
    4  实证分析    13
    4.1  数据来源与样本选择    13
    4.2  变量定义    13
    4.3  模型设计    14
    4.4  实证结果分析    14
    5  结论及建议    18
    5.1  结论与不足    18
    5.2  建议    18
    结束语    21
    致谢    22
    参考文献    23
    1  绪论
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