        本文打算从会计信息质量视角出发。先在信息不对称和委托代理理论的基础 上阐述了企业的非效率投资的产生的原因。然后分析了会计信息质量是如何影响企业的投资效率并提出了假设。本文采用的数据是 2010至2013年我国沪深上市公司的数据。本文采用的衡量投资效率的模型是非效率投资模型,采用的会计信息质量的替代变量是应计质量,通过实证研究对假设进行验证。研究结果表明,会计信息质量的确与公司的投资效率是正相关的。21455
    关键词  会计信息质量 投资效率 应计质量
    Title   Studies on the Influence of  Accounting       
             Information Quality on Investment Efficiency  
    Corporate investment efficiency has a really direct impact on the long-term development. But due to the asymmetric information and agency problems, underinvestment or overinvestment is very common,and the company's inefficiency investment damages the interests of shareholders and the development of the economy.Accounting information quality is becoming more important to investment.
    This paper begins with the view of the accounting information quality,and explain  how accounting information quality effects investment efficiency based on the information asymmetry and principal-agent theory.The paper uses empirical data of Shanghai and Shenzhen listed corporations from 2010 to 2013. This paper measures the investment efficiency according to the inefficiency investment model, and uses the accruals quality as a proxy for the accounting information quality.The result of the study is that the influence of accounting information quality on investment efficiency is positive.
    This paper raise some suggestions.Found a good information disclosure system;improve the quality of accounting information evaluation system and build a strict internal management system.
    Keywords  Accounting information quality  Investment efficiency               Accrual quality
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景和研究意义    1
    1.2  文献综述    1
    1.3  研究思路和研究方法    3
    1.4  研究框架    3
    2  相关理论概述    5
    2.1  会计信息质量理论概述    5
    2.2  投资效率理论概述    6
    2.3  相关理论    7
    3  理论分析与研究假设    9
    3.1  理论分析    9
    3.2  研究假设    10
    4  实证研究    11
    4.1  样本选择与数据来源    11
    4.2  变量定义    11
    4.3  模型构建    13
    4.4  实证检验与结果分析    13
    4.5  小结    16
    5  政策建议与研究展望    17
    5.1  政策建议    17
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