    摘要税收筹划的概念在西方国家早已被世人所熟知,它通过减少企业的税务支出达到价值最大化的目的。我国税收筹划起步于改革开放以后的 90 年代,目前还处在发展的初级阶段,相关的理论还不完善,税收筹划的技术还有待于进一步发掘,许多企业也不甚理解税收筹划的概念。利用会计政策选择来进行税收筹划成本低、易操作,是一种相对简单的方法。
    关键词  会计政策选择  税收筹划  会计准则
    Title    The Application of the Choice of Accounting   Policy in Tax Planning                
        The concept of tax planning is known to the whole world in western countries for a long time, it reached the maximum value of the objective by reducing tax expenditures. The tax planning of China started in 1990s after the reform and opening up and is still at the initial stage of development with the related theory is not perfect. Tax planning technology remains to be further explored and many enterprises are not very understanding of the concept of tax planning. Using accounting policy choice to carry on the tax planning is a kind of low cost, easy to operate and relatively simple method.
        Under the market economy, the economic subject with the development of free largely, all walks of life are also significant differences. In such a complex economic situation, countries need to give alternative enterprises in the formulation of accounting policy, so that enterprises choose accounting policies according to their own situation. At the same time, in order to achieve the balance of tax burden, countries in the formulation of the tax system, there are differences in different object system. Be common in the accounting policy and tax institution, there is choice space for tax planning, which enterprises can choose the accounting policy for tax planning. 
        According to the new accounting standards and the new tax system, this paper analyses the cases in three aspects: selection of sales settlement, capital expenditure on investment, depreciation method of fixed assets. Through the analysis and the proof, expected that can carry on the tax revenue preparation to the property development enterprise to have certain instruction and to profit from the significance.
    Keywords: the choice of accounting policy  tax planning
               accounting standards
    目  次

    1    引言    1
    1.1    研究背景    1
    1.2    研究的目的和意义    2
    2    会计政策选择及税收筹划的概念界定    2
    2.1    会计政策的概念    2
    2.2    税收筹划的概念    3
    2.3    税收筹划与偷税、漏税和避税的区别    3
    3    研究综述    3
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