    毕业论文关键词:  关联方交易;上市公司;会计信息披露;
    Related party transactions of listed companies and accounting information disclosure research
    Abstract:China's listed companies with a more complete management system, there are laws and regulations to regulate the conduct of its related party transactions, but there are various forms of related party transactions and disclose problems. Continue to promote reform in the capital market development and economic system, related party transactions of listed companies on the corporate governance structure, corporate actions and information disclosure influence intensified. Thus, the disclosure of listed companies on the related party transactions directly affects the quality and effectiveness of the decision-making of accounting information users of accounting information, and destroy the order of the securities market and harm the interests of investors. This will combine the Shanghai Zhezhong Construction Co., Ltd. in the status quo, learn advanced experience, insights into the problems related party transactions proposed to increase penalties for violations related party transaction information disclosure, full disclosure of pricing policies related party transactions strengthen the assessment of the role of intermediaries and several other suggestions and prospects.
    KeyWords:  related party transactions;accounting information disclosure;listed companies;
     目  录
    引言        1
    一、上市公司关联方交易及其会计信息披露概述    2
    (一)上市公司关联方交易    2
    1、上市公司关联方交易的定义    2
    2、上市公司关联方交易的动机    2
    3、上市公司关联方交易的类型    3
    (二)上市公司关联方交易会计信息披露原则    3
    二、上市公司关联方交易及其会计信息披露存在问题及成因分析    5
    (一)上市公司关联方交易及其会计信息披露现状    5
    (二)上市公司关联方交易及其会计信息披露存在的问题    6
    1、上市公司关联方交易信息披露不全面    7
    2、上市公司关联方交易信息披露不及时    7
    3、上市公司关联方交易的披露避重就轻    8
    4、上市公司关联方交易披露重形式而轻实质    9
    5、上市公司关联方交易中的定价往往不真实    9
    (三)上市公司关联方交易信息披露问题的成因    10
    1、政府监督部门的监管力度不大    10
    2、关联方特定目的利益驱动    11
    3、会计法规制度不够完善    12
    三、对上市公司关联方交易及其会计信息披露问题的建议    13
    (一)借鉴国外上市公司关联方交易及其会计信息披露的先进经验    13
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