    Small Business Accounting Standards Problems and Countermeasures
    ABSTRACT:Currently, small businesses have gradually become an important force in China’s national economy and social development. Tend to the needs of international convergence background and economic development on the basis of drawing on “IFRS for SMEs” and other relevant national guidelines, taking into account the specific circumstances of the country. On October 18, 2011, China promulgated the "Small Business Accounting Standards" which had become effective nationwide on January 1, 2013. In the context of this article, "Small Business Accounting Standards" promulgated by using the combination of theoretical and practical, comparison and reference method of investigation to discuss the implementation of relevant content in the "Small Business Accounting Standards", and then pointing out the necessity of the perfection of small business accounting standards. The focus of this paper is to analyze the problems of small enterprises in the implementation of "small business accounting standards" are facing, including guidelines on itself, to "Business Accounting Standards" issue , as well as companies’ own problems. Drawing on the experience of other country and taking full account of the special conditions has targeted put forward to improve China’s "Small Business Accounting Standards" some of the recommendations and countermeasures.
    Keywords: Small business; Accounting standards; Problems; Countermeasures
    引言    1
    一、《小企业会计准则》的概述    2
    (一)我国现行小企业的界定标准    2
    (二)《小企业会计准则》的概述    4
    二、我国完善《小企业会计准则》的必要性    5
    (一)我国小企业会计现状    5
    (二)完善《小企业会计准则》的现实需要    6
    三、《小企业会计准则》存在的问题    9
    (一)企业自身的问题    9
    (二)《小企业会计准则》本身的问题    10
    (三)《小企业会计准则》转为执行《企业会计准则》的问题    10
    四、《小企业会计准则》存在问题的解决对策    11
    (一)小企业采取的措施    11
    (二)针对《小企业会计准则》采取的措施    12
    (三)与法律法规实现协调与分离相结合    12
    五、结论    13
    致谢    14
    参考文献    15
    随着全球资本市场的日益融合以及经济全球化的飞速发展,推动了会计准则趋同工作在国际上地快速发展,其中对于差别会计报告的研究也愈来愈受到关注。在IASB发布《中小型企业会计和财务报告准则》之后,2009年7月,IASB 发布了《中小主体国际财务报告准则》,这是IASB历经近6年在差别会计报告研究中取得的巨大进展,也为世界各国能更好地实行差别会计报告提供了巨大的帮助,同时也是我国制定中小企业会计准则的主要参考依据。截止至2011年1月,此准则已被世界上73个国家和地区采纳使用或准备采纳使用该准则,与此同时《中小主体国际财务报告准则》在美国和加拿大也被认为是适用的。
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