    关键词  企业文化 利益相关者 营运资金管理效率   
    Title   An Empirical Study of the corporate culture’s impact on the efficiency of working capital management                   
    Corporate culture, as an important part of enterprise management, is one of the core competitiveness of enterprises. For excellent enterprise,  building a successful business culture has become the driving force to be reckoned with. In addition, the efficiency of working capital management research is also a hot issue, in recent years, in accounting theory and practice community. According to the present situation, Although the connotation and quantitative methods of corporate culture, working capital management efficiency indicators selected opinions and empirical research on corporate culture impact on working capital management efficiency are still relatively lacking. Fortunately, scholars in studying abroad on the basis of tireless research on the specific facts of China's listed companies have risen worthy insights for researchers later to learn.
    In this paper, we use Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure RESSET database as a tool to collect data, publicly available information Shanghai and Shenzhen listed companies as data sources. And we use literature review, qualitative research and quantitative research, normative and empirical research combining research methods, and definitions of corporate culture by building strength index, and use publicly available information to calculate the strength of corporate culture, to analyze the culture’s impact of the selected sample of 303 companies,to the listed companies’  working capital management efficiency.
    This paper is pided into four parts. The first part is an introduction, a brief description of the corporate culture on working capital management efficiency of the background and significance of this research generated research ideas and structural framework, research tools and methods; The second part is the literature review, mainly about corporate culture, stakeholder review of the literature and working capital management theory;The third part is corporate culture, stakeholder awareness, working capital management efficiency theoretical analysis, and it gives the relationship assumptions;The fourth part is the study design, including sample and data sources , variable measurement, the model and conclusions.
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