    毕业论文关键字: 会计造假;防范措施;法律法规
    The listing Corporation accounting fraud causes and prevention measures
    Abstract:With the continuous development of social economy, all walks of accounting work is also rapid development, at the same time management has become more and more important, and the accounting information authenticity is also very important, many policymakers, investors, managers and creditors attach more and more importance to the accounting information, it has become an important basis for the government departments macro decision. The authenticity of accounting information is so important, often accounting fraud phenomenon also will become more and more serious. At present, the phenomenon of accounting fraud seems to have become a common bad social phenomenon, this phenomenon is not only damages the interests of investors, but also affects the entire social economic order. Although these years about the laws and regulations of accounting fraud against constantly introduced and improved, but there is always some lawless elements to be inpidual or the interests of the company to do everything possible to take advantage of loopholes.
    Relevant departments to take these measures to some extent can be said to be a stopgap. If you want to effectively suppress the phenomenon, not only need to improve the relevant laws and regulations, but also the need for coordination and supervision of all circles of the society. To prevent fraud from all levels.
    Keywords: accounting fraud;prevention; laws and regulations
    一、绪论    1
      (一)研究的目的    1
      (二)研究的意义    1
    二、会计造假    2
      (一)会计造假的危害    2
      (二)会计造假的形式    2
        1、 账目来源失真    2
        2、 账目处理失真    2
        3、 核算资料造假    2
        4、 成本费用造假    3
    三、上市公司会计造假现状    4
      (一)经济交易陷阱     4
      (二)常规会计处理陷阱     4
      (三)关联交易陷阱     4
      (四)资本经营陷阱     5
    四、上市公司财务造假     6
      (一)会计造假的根本原因——两权分离     6
      (二)会计造假的直接原因——利益驱动     6
        1、 政治利益     6
        2、 经济利益     6
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