Abstract:With the improvement of the economic market, for the quality of the financial information requirements are increasing。 Which accounts receivable on the company's financial situation has a significant degree of influence。 However accounts receivable has two sides。 Enterprises on the one hand through the credit policies so as to expand sales and increase operating profits and on bad debts, bad loans are increasing, eventually affecting the development of SMEs and their prospects。 Must be effective accounts receivable management。
This Qingdao Beer (Su Qian) limited management of the receivable account in analyses, from the formation of the receivable reason, accounts receivable management of receivables in terms of advantages and disadvantages were discussed, based on corresponding solutions。 To enhance the level of accounts receivable for Qingdao beer company provides a good solution。
Keywords: accounts receivable,sell on credit ,credit control
目 录
1 引言 4
2 应收账款的产生原因 4
2。1市场竞争 4
2。2收款与销售存在时间差 4
2。3信用管理因素 5
2。4 法律因素 5
3 应收账款管理对企业的影响 5
3。1提高销售量 5
3。2减少库存 5
3。3导致资金的流出 6
4 青岛啤酒(宿迁)有限公司应收账款管理分析 6
4。1公司简介 6
4。2公司应收账款管理现状分析 6
5 青岛啤酒(宿迁)有限公司应收账款管理存在的问题 9
5。1缺乏专门信用管理部门 9
5。2应收账款涉及面广且难以按期收回 9
5。3对应收账款核算不规范 10
5。4合同管理存在问题 10
6 青岛啤酒(宿迁)有限公司应收账款问题的解决对策 10
6。1设置专门的信用及应收账款管理部门 10
6。2提高员工素质 11
6。3建立企业内部控制制度 11
6。4加强应收账款风险防范力度 12
6。5加强合同管理与履约保障 12