    The Influence of the Salary Difference between Executives and Employees on the Performance of Listed Companies
    Abstract:The issue of pay has always been a hot topic, and it is also the key to corporate governance. Therefore, there are domestic and foreign scholars to study how to set reasonable salary level. So far, the impact of salary gap between executive teams on corporate performance is a hot topic for domestic and foreign scholars,but they ignore the executive and employee pay gap may also be one of the factors that affect business performance. Therefore, this paper focuses on the relationship between executive and employee pay gap to study its impact on the performance of listed companies, and the sample is further pided into state-owned and non-state companies, manufacturing and non-manufacturing companies, respectively, the nature of different enterprises and industries Types of corporate executives and employee pay balances have different effects on corporate performance. It is found that the effect of the salary gap between the executive and the employee on the performance of the company is that the positive correlation is negative and the "U" relationship is negative. Compared with the state-owned company, the difference between the senior executives and the employees Will produce better corporate performance; compared with manufacturing companies, non-manufacturing companies in the larger executives and employees pay gap between the better the performance of the company.
    Key words: Listed companies; salary gap; corporate performance
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    一、引言    1
    二、文献综述    2
        (一)锦标赛理论    2
        (二)行为理论    2
        (三)其他理论    3
    三、研究设计    3
        (一)研究假设    3
        (二)样本选择和数据来源    4
        (三)变量选择    4
        (四)模型设定    6
    四、实证分析与结果    6
    (一)描述性统计    6
    (二)相关性分析    7
    (三)多元回归实证检验    7
        1、总体样本的回归分析    7
        2、不同企业性质公司的回归分析    8
        3、不同行业公司的回归分析    9
    五、研究结论及政策建议    9
    致谢    10
    参考文献    11
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