    关键词  并购  财务风险  东方航空
    Title    Mergers and acquisitions of financial risk control research, in eastern airlines merger and Shanghai airlines, for example
    Over the past hundred years, the world's total of five mergers and acquisitions of large scale enterprises. Although China's enterprise merger and acquisition activities started late, but follow the fifth global wave of mergers and acquisitions, enterprises of our country since the nineties of the last century emerged a large number of domestic and foreign mergers and acquisitions expanding enterprise. However, the results of the survey show that the success rate is very low in many M & A cases. Because of the variety of risk through financial risk, so the research and control of financial risk directly affect the success or failure of M & A.
    From the angle of merger and acquisition, the main financial risk is pided into four aspects: target enterprise valuation risk, financing risk, payment risk, integration risk analysis and identification control.. From Eastern Airlines merger Shanghai Airlines as an example analysis of the financial risks of enterprise merger and acquisition (M & A) in China, through concrete examples of risk control are proposed, in order to domestic enterprises mergers and acquisitions provide a basis.
    Keywords  Mergers and acquisitions   Financial risk   China Eastern Airlines
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
    1.1  研究背景及意义  1
    1.2  国内外研究现状  2
    1.3  研究方法与内容  3
    2  相关理论概述  5
    2.1  相关定义  5
    2.2  并购财务风险的分类  6
    2.3  相关理论基础  6
    3  我国企业并购财务风险现状及成因分析  9
    3.1  我国企业并购财务风险现状 9
    3.2  我国企业并购财务风险成因分析  10
    4  加强我国企业并购财务风险控制的策略  14
    4.1  加强对目标企业估值风险的控制  14
    4.2  加强对融资风险的控制  14
    4.3  加强对支付风险的控制  15
    4.4  加强对整合风险的控制  16
    5  东航并购上航财务风险控制的案例分析  17
    5.1 背景介绍  17
    5.2 并购动机与战略分析  18
    5.3 并购财务风险分析  18
    5.4 案例启示与评价  21
    结论  22
    致谢  23
    参考文献  24
    图1.1  论文研究框架图  5
    图5.1  并购后股权框架图  20
    表5.1  东航、上航资产相关数据  19
    表5.2  东航、上航盈利相关数据  19
    表5.3  东航并购完成后财务指标  21
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景和研究意义
    1.1.1  研究背景
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