    Review of Research Literature on Carbon Disclosure
    Abstract:In the past few years, control with the fact that world industry development of the economy and the population quick increasing, the carbon dioxide emissions will be more and more.High carbon emission not only have a serious impact on the living environment of mankind, but also have an impact on health and safetyLow carbon has been advocated by all sectors of society. Carbon disclosure is an important way for company to transmit low carbon information to the public. So the disclosure of carbon information has become a hot research topic in carbon accounting system at home and abroad. Based on the above background, this paper takes the carbon information disclosure as the research object and uses the index method to design the carbon disclosure index on the carbon disclosure. It is convenient to do the  research on the carbon information disclosure of chemical listed companies from 2013 to 2015. In order to understand the specific situation of the carbon disclosure for all walks of life,this article dosen’t only describe the current situation of carbon disclosure of listed companies for chemical,but also analyses the internal influence factors of the listed companies for chemical. It will be helpful to make suggestions for relevant departments.
    Key words: Carbon information disclosure; Status; Influencing factor
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Keywords    1
    一、引言    1
    二、文献综述    2
    (一)碳信息披露研究现状    2
    1.碳信息披露国外研究现状    2
    2.碳信息披露国内研究现状    2
    (二)碳信息披露影响因素研究    3
    1.碳信息披露影响因素国外研究现状    3
    2.碳信息披露影响因素国内研究现状    3
    三、研究设计    3
    (一)研究假设    4
    (二)样本选择和数据来源    5
    (三)变量的设定    5
    (四)研究模型    6
    四、化工类上市公司碳信息披露现状    6
    (一) 化工类上市公司碳信息披露总体状况    6
    (二) 化工类上市公司碳信息披露比例分析    7
    (三) 化工类上市公司碳信息披露质量分析    7
    五、实证检验结果与分析    8
    (一)描述性统计    8
    (二)变量间相关性检验    8
    (三)多元回归分析    9
    优尔、研究结论    10
    致谢    11
    参考文献    11
    一、    引言
  1. 上一篇:农业上市公司董事会特征与企业绩效关系研究
  2. 下一篇:媒体关注对会计信息披露质量的影响研究
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