    毕业论文 关键词:互联网企业 海外上市 风险控制
    Research on Overseas-Listing of Chinese Private Enterprises Listed Overseas——Take Internet Companies for example
    Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet has been used by  more and more people at the present and the Internet industry has been further developed. However, as a new industry in its infancy, the capital of Internet industry is relatively samll, requiring a lot of preliminary research and development costs. At the same time, as a Virtual Industry, they do not have much physical assets, so it is difficult to meet the strict Listed harsh conditions of domestic stock market. coupled with the banks prefer lending to state-owned enterprises, China's Internet companies are difficult not only in internal financing, but also in external financing. Because of further economic globalization and wider capital markets, more and more Internet companies listed in overseas capital markets and solve the financing difficulties and other problems, which enable them achieve a better development.
    Firstly, this paper analyzes overseas listing conditions, the listing motivations from the perspective of our country’s Internet industry. Then in the analysis of the situations and specific required by listed overseas Internet companies, this paper analyzes the listed quantitative, location, major mode and risk. Finally, for these risks of China's Internet companies listed overseas, this paper puts forward some effective ways to control risks in the future.
    Key Words:Internet companies, listed overseas, risk control
    目 录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)选题背景及意义    1
     (二) 研究方法及创新    2
    二、国内外研究现状    2
    (一)国外研究现状    3
    (二)国内研究现状    3
    三、我国互联网企业海外上市状况分析    4
    (一)数据来源    4
    (二)互联网企业海外上市的数量分析    4
    (三)互联网企业海外上市的区位分析    5
    (四)互联网企业海外上市方式分析    6
    (五)互联网企业海外上市的问题分析    7
    四、我国互联网行业海外上市的动因    9
    (一)内部因素    9
    (二)外部因素    10
    五、对我国互联网企业的海外上市建议    12
    (一)分析海外上市方案的可行性    12
    (二)加强自身内部控制    14
    (三)重视信息披露制度    14
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