    Financial analysis of the capitalization of enterprise R &D expenses
    Abstract:In the era of knowledge economy, the rapid development of science and technology, science and technology innovation has become the main driving force to promote economic growth in the future, to carry out independent innovation activities become the main way to obtain the core competitiveness of a country. R & D activities as the main way to enhance the innovation capability of enterprises, enterprises pay more and more attention.By the use of case analysis method in 2010 to 2012 TYDIC financial, for example, starting from the enterprise's solvency, profitability and future development ability three aspects. Analysis the relationship between the financial situation changes and corporate R & D expenditures are capitalized, combined with existing knowledge, research found that: enterprise for the purpose of earnings management by control of R & D expenditures, and to make the financial situation of enterprises to reach the ideal state. At the same time, although the study found that after the rule change, the implementation of the new method can effectively avoid all capitalized and the full cost of defects and enhance the enterprise's technological innovation capability, but gave management with greater space to manipulate financial situation. Therefore, this paper proposes for the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, hoping to have a positive effect on listed companies' financial aspects of normative with.
    Key words: capitalized ;earnings management ;intangible assets
    目  录
     引言    1
    一、 研发支出资本化的概述    2
    (一) 研发支出的概念    2
    1、 研究阶段的支出是否会形成无形资产的不确定性    2
    2、 开发阶段的支出基本可以计入无形资产    2
    (二) 研发支出资本化的确认条件    2
    1、 完成该无形资产以使其能够使用或出售在技术上具有可行性。    2
    2、 具有完成该无形资产并使用或出售的意图。    3
    3、 无形资产确认能为企业带来经济利益    3
    4、 企业有能力完成无形资产的开发并使用或出售无形资产    3
    5、 归属于该无形资产开发阶段的支出能够可靠地计量。    3
    二、 研发支出资本化的现状及问题    3
    (一) 企业研发支出资本化的现状    4
    (二) 企业研发支出资本化在具体操作中存在的一些问题    4
    1、 资本化条件难以判定    4
    2、 研发支出资本化处理存在盈余操纵空间    5
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