    The Theory of Accounting Fraud
    ABSTRACT:With the development of economy, the accounting work is becoming more and more important.The authenticity of accounting information plays an important role on the development of the enterprise and the progress of the society .Real economic information makes social resource allocation reasonable and the distorted economic information inevitably leads to the chaos of the economic structure.Accounting fraud severely disrupted the normal social and economic order in our country and it has become a global problem. This paper takes accounting fraud problem as a starting point and exlains the accounting fraud . And based on this, this paper expounds the present situation of accounting fraud and analyzes the causes of accounting fraud through existing problems.The causes of accounting fraud is spread in many way.We should rationally explore the real reason hidden behind the accounting fraud and explore the concrete measures of managing accounting fraud in China.It can ensure the interests of the public, help to solve the trust crisis of market , promote the coordinated development of economy and society, and stabilize the structure of market economy.
    Key words: Accounting Information;Accounting Fraud; Prevention Measures
    引言    1
    一、会计欺诈的概述    2
    (一) 会计欺诈的概念    2
    (二) 会计欺诈的特征    2
    二、会计欺诈的现状及存在问题    3
    (一) 会计欺诈的现状    3
    (二) 会计欺诈的存在问题    3
    三、会计欺诈的形成原因    5
    (一) 内部原因    5
    1、 会计人员综合素质不高    5
    2、 公司内控失调,管理机制不健全    5
    3、 企业的绩效考核和利益驱动    6
    (二) 外部原因    7
    1、 我国法律制度和经济制度不够完善    7
    2、 会计制度本身有局限性    8
    3、 社会监督不健全    8
    四、会计欺诈的危害性    10
    (一) 对企业的危害    10
    1、 使企业决策者和投资者决策失误    10
    2、 容易产生不良影响,滋生腐败贪污现象    10
    (二) 对社会的危害    10
    1、 引发信任危机    10
    2、 假会计信息驱逐真会计信息    11
    五、会计欺诈的防范对策    12
    (一) 内部措施    12
    1、 提升会计工作人员的法律意识和职业道德水平    12
    2、 优化企业内控环境,建立健全企业内控规章    12
    3、 完善绩效考核体系    12
    (二) 外部措施    12
    1、 对我国的收入分配制度进行整改    12
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