    This paper comprehensive analysis the influence factors of housing reverse mortgage loan pricing model parameters, including the non risk interest rate, the expected remaining life, the value of housing, housing depreciation rate volatility. The traditional housing reverse mortgage loan actuarial pricing model is modified, to build the interest rate under the CIR model, a one-time payment of the product and the life annuity product pricing model based on the simulation of business loans, interest rates during the migration paths to reflect the risk of loan institutions to carry out the business faced by Monte Carlo numerical analysis method, the relative reasonable pricing results. An example is the applicationanalysis,ananalysisofthe pricing model after updating, analysis of influence of each parameter change on the amount of loans. The results show that, the improved model is helpful to reduce lending institutions face interest rate risk, improve the enthusiasm of lending institutions to carry out the business, housing reverse mortgage loan products can significantlyimprove oldpeople'slife level, reducethe cial pension pressure
    [Key Words]:housing reverse mortgage loan;actuarial model ;CIR model
    目   录
    摘 要    I
    Abstract    II
    住房反向抵押贷款的精算定价研究    1
    1绪论    1
    1.1选题背景    1
    1.2研究意义    1
    2 住房反向抵押贷款的风险分析    2
    2.1 预期剩余寿命风险    2
    2.2 利率风险    3
    2.3 房屋价值波动风险    3
    2.4 道德风险    4
    3 模型构建与应用    5
    3.1 模型构建过程    5
    3.1.1 模型假设    5
    3.1.2模型构建    6
    3.1.3模型参数的确定    7
    3.2模型应用    9
    4 敏感性分析    11
    4.1利率敏感性分析    11
    4.2 房屋价值变动率敏感度分析    11
    5 结论    12
    5.1本文的主要研究成果:    12
    5.2本文研究的不足之处有:    12
    参考文献    14
    致    谢    15
    附录    16
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