    毕业论文关键词:企业税务筹划; 税务筹划风险; 企业利润最大化
    The development of market economy in our country enterprise the perfection and development of various systems push the continuous development of tax planning in the enterprise in our country. Good tax
    planning can not only reduce the tax burden to achieve its interests can also help enterprises to increase competitive power, optimization of enterprise configuration, but the enterprise tax planning all of its risk is decided to try to control the problems existed in the process of tax planning, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of enterprises to achieve maximum profits. In this paper, combined with the financial risk of enterprise tax planning, through the study of the sources of risk, enterprise tax planning risk prevention measures are put forward, the enterprise tax preparation of external financing risk sources is proposed from the perspective of macro tax plan, in order to achieve cost minimization, adhere to the legal tax preparation and makes every effort to make the tax planning scheme in accordance with tax policy guidance. Aiming at the enterprise internal risk of tax planning, enterprise must have the consciousness of tax risk and at the same time, in the implementation of the tax planning risk and financial risk, enterprise should stand in the angle of the risk in financial planning. At the same time, the implementation of tax planning finance executives must have good occupation morality, improve tax personnel vocational moral quality, and enterprises should have a good internal control system, especially the financial department of the internal control, in order to achieve the purpose of the cashier did not do account and certified public accountants did not audit account.
    Key Words: tax planning; tax planning risk; enterprise profit maximization
    目    录
    摘  要 I
    Abstract II
    一、绪论1      ㈠ 研究背景 1
    ㈡ 研究意义 1
    ㈠ 制定与执行税务筹划方案而产生的成本 2
    ㈡ 税务筹划的心理成本 2
    ㈢ 税务筹划的机会成本 2
    ㈣ 税务筹划的风险成本 3
    ㈠ 因进行税务筹划而新增的收入 3
    ㈡ 因进行税务筹划而减少的缴税成本 3
    ㈢ 由于改善税务筹划提高企业管理水平而增加的收益 4
    ㈠ 企业外部的税务筹划理财风险来源 4
    ㈡ 企业内部的税务筹划风险 5
    ㈠ 税务筹划方案制定时的风险防范 6
    ㈡ 税务筹划方案实施过程中的风险防范 8
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